冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第541期:第二十七章 布兰(13)(在线收听

   Mance be damned, the big man cursed. You want to go back there, Osha? More fool you.  曼斯见鬼去,大汉咒道,你还想回去,欧莎?我看你才没脑子。

  Think the white walkers will care if you have a hostage? He turned back to Bran and slashed at the strap around his thigh. The leather parted with a sigh. 你以为白鬼会管你手上有没有人质?他转向布兰,割开他大腿的皮带。皮革仿佛松了口气似地分开。
  The stroke had been quick and careless, biting deep. Looking down, Bran glimpsed pale flesh where the wool of his leggings had parted.  他出手很快,又没有留心,结果割得很深。布兰低头,看到羊毛绑腿被割开的地方,露出白皙的大腿肉。
  Then the blood began to flow. He watched the red stain spread, feeling light-headed, curiously apart; there had been no pain, not even a hint of feeling. The big man grunted in surprise. 接着血涌出来,他望着红色的血渍逐渐扩散,感觉轻微头晕,却意外地疏离,丝毫不觉疼痛,连一点感觉都没有。大汉惊讶地哼了一声。
  Put down your steel now, and I promise you shall have a quick and painless death, Robb called out. 立刻放下武器,我保证让你们死得干脆。罗柏叫道。
  Bran looked up in desperate hope, and there he was. The strength of the words were undercut by the way his voice cracked with strain.  布兰怀着最后一丝希望抬起头,他果真出现在那里。可惜他那番话的威严,却被紧张嘶哑的声调所减低。
  He was mounted, the bloody carcass of an elk slung across the back of his horse, his sword in a gloved hand. 他骑着马,麋鹿血淋淋的尸体挂在马背,手握长剑。
  The brother, said the man with the grey stubbly face. 老哥回来了。灰胡碴的男子道。
  He's a fierce one, he is, mocked the short woman. Hali, they called her. You mean to fight us, boy? 哟,这家伙挺凶悍嘛。矮个女人讥讽他。他们叫她哈莉。你想跟咱们打,小鬼头?
  Don't be a fool, lad. You're one against six. The tall woman, Osha, leveled her spear. Off the horse, and throw down the sword. We'll thank you kindly for the mount and for the venison, and you and your brother can be on your way. 小子,你这是以一对六,别傻了。高个的欧莎平举长枪。赶快下马,把剑扔了。我们会谢谢你的马儿和鹿肉,然后放你和你弟弟走路。