冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第543期:第二十七章 布兰(15)(在线收听

   Robb and Osha matched blows in midstream. Her long spear was a steel-headed serpent, flashing out at his chest, once, twice, three times,  罗柏和欧莎在河中央打得不可开交。她的长枪活像条钢头毒蛇,闪电般朝他胸口窜去,一次、两次、三次,

  but Robb parried every thrust with his longsword, turning the point aside. On the fourth or fifth thrust, the tall woman overextended herself and lost her balance, just for a second. Robb charged, riding her down. 但罗柏的长剑挡下每一记攻势,拨开刺来的枪尖。在她第四还是第五次突刺时,高个女人用力过猛,失了重心,仅一秒的时间,罗柏便骑马冲锋,把她踩在蹄下。
  A few feet away, Summer darted in and snapped at Hali. The knife bit at his flank. Summer slid away, snarling, and came rushing in again.  几尺外,夏天向前疾跳,扑咬哈莉,结果后背反挨一记短刀。夏天咆哮着后退,再度冲刺。
  This time his jaws closed around her calf. Holding the knife with both hands, the small woman stabbed down, but the direwolf seemed to sense the blade coming. He pulled free for an instant, his mouth full of leather and cloth and bloody flesh.  这回他的利齿紧紧咬住她的小腿。矮个女人两手握刀,死命向下插去,然而冰原狼仿佛能感应危险,迅速松开抽身,撕下满嘴皮革、碎布和血淋淋的肉块。
  When Hali stumbled and fell, he came at her again, slamming her backward, teeth tearing at her belly. 哈莉跌倒在地,他又扑跳上前,把她向后撞开,撕咬她的小腹。
  The sixth man ran from the carnage...but not far. As he went scrambling up the far side of the bank, Grey Wind emerged from the stream, dripping wet.  第五个人想逃离这场屠杀…可惜却没跑远。他正踉跄着爬上对岸,灰风浑身湿淋淋地从河里冒出,甩甩身上的水,箭步追去。
  He shook the water off and bounded after the running man, hamstringing him with a single snap of his teeth, and going for the throat as the screaming man slid back down toward the water. 冰原狼嘴巴一张一阖,咬断他的腿筋,接着去咬他的喉咙,那人惨叫着滑进河里。
  And then there was no one left but the big man, Stiv. He slashed at Bran's chest strap, grabbed his arm, and yanked.  此时只剩那个大汉史帝夫了。他割开布兰胸前的皮带,抓住他的臂膀用力一扯,布兰便从马背上摔下来。
  Suddenly Bran was falling. He sprawled on the ground, his legs tangled under him, one foot in the stream. He could not feel the cold of the water, but he felt the steel when Stiv pressed his dagger to his throat.  他瘫在地上,双腿纠缠一团,被身体压住,一只脚还滑进了溪里。他感觉不到冰冷的河水,却感觉得出史帝夫按在他喉咙的匕首。
  Back away, the man warned, or I'll open the boy's windpipe, I swear it. 退后,他警告道,不然我发誓会把这小鬼的气管给割了。