冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第546期:第二十七章 布兰(18)(在线收听

   The guardsmen had a strange, pale look to their faces as they took in the scene of slaughter.  见到眼前的屠杀景象,卫士们个个脸色苍白,神情怪异。

  They eyed the wolves uncertainly, and when Summer returned to Hali's corpse to feed, Joseth dropped his knife and scrambled for the bush, heaving.  他们犹豫地看着两只狼,而当夏天回去享用哈莉的尸体时,乔赛斯丢下猎刀,转身返回树丛边呕吐。
  Even Maester Luwin seemed shocked as he stepped from behind a tree, but only for an instant. Then he shook his head and waded across the stream to Bran's side. Are you hurt? 就连鲁温师傅从林子里出来时,也是一脸惊骇。他随即恢复过来,摇摇头,涉水渡河到布兰身边。你受伤了吗?
  He cut my leg, Bran said, but I couldn't feel it. 他砍伤了我的脚,布兰说:可我没感觉。
  As the maester knelt to examine the wound, Bran turned his head. Theon Greyjoy stood beside a sentinel tree, his bow in hand.  老师傅弯身检视他的伤口,布兰别过头去,看见席恩·葛雷乔伊站在一棵哨兵树下,手里拿着弓,嘴上挂着笑。
  He was smiling. Ever smiling. A half-dozen arrows were thrust into the soft ground at his feet, but it had taken only one.  这家伙永远都在微笑。他脚边的软泥地上插了五六枝箭,但他只用了一枝。
  A dead enemy is a thing of beauty, he announced. 最好的敌人就是死掉的敌人。他得意洋洋地表示。
  Jon always said you were an ass, Greyjoy, Robb said loudly. I ought to chain you up in the yard and let Bran take a few practice shots at you. 葛雷乔伊,琼恩老说你是个浑球。罗柏朗声道,我真该用铁链把你绑起来,放在场子里给布兰当箭靶。
  You should be thanking me for saving your brother's life. 你怎么不谢谢我救了你老弟的命?
  What if you had missed the shot? Robb said. What if you'd only wounded him? What if you had made his hand jump, or hit Bran instead? For all you knew, the man might have been wearing a breastplate, all you could see was the back of his cloak.  要是你没射中怎么办?罗柏道,要是你没射死他怎么办?要是你那一箭抖了他的手,或是命中布兰怎么办?你从后面只看得到他的斗篷,怎么知道他没穿胸甲?
  What would have happened to my brother then? Did you ever think of that, Greyjoy? 如果他真的穿了,那我弟弟会怎么样?葛雷乔伊,你有没有想过?
  Theon's smile was gone. He gave a sullen shrug and began to pull his arrows from the ground, one by one. 席恩的笑容消失了。他悻悻地耸肩,然后开始把箭一根根从地上拔起来。