冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第551期:第二十七章 布兰(23)(在线收听

   You fly, Mord had promised him, when he'd shoved him into the cell. Twenty day, thirty, fifty maybe. Then you fly. 你飞,之前莫德一把推他进来时,曾向他保证。经过二十天,三十天,最多五十天,你就会飞。

  The Arryns kept the only dungeon in the realm where the prisoners were welcome to escape at will.  放眼七国全境,只有艾林家族的地牢鼓励犯人逃脱。
  That first day, after girding up his courage for hours, Tyrion had lain flat on his stomach and squirmed to the edge, to poke out his head and look down.  进来的第一天,提利昂花了好几个小时,才鼓起勇气趴在地上,慢慢爬到山崖边,探出头往下望。
  Sky was six hundred feet below, with nothing between but empty air. If he craned his neck out as far as it could go, he could see other cells to his right and left and above him.  正下方六百英尺,坐落着长天堡,与他的囚室之间除了空气,什么也没有。如果他伸长脖子,可以看到在他左右两方的其他牢房。
  He was a bee in a stone honeycomb, and someone had torn off his wings. 他是石头蜂窝里的一只蜜蜂,还被人折了翅膀。
  It was cold in the cell, the wind screamed night and day, and worst of all, the floor sloped.  囚室极冷,山风日夜呼啸,最糟的是地板竟然向外倾斜。
  Ever so slightly, yet it was enough. He was afraid to close his eyes, afraid that he might roll over in his steep and wake in sudden terror as he went sliding off the edge.  虽然幅度不大,但也够他受了。他不敢闭眼,害怕沉睡时会滚落悬崖,然后惊恐地在半空中醒来。
  Small wonder the sky cells drove men mad. 难怪天牢会把人逼疯。
  Gods save me, some previous tenant had written on the wall in something that looked suspiciously like blood, the blue is calling.  诸神救救我,某个之前住在这里的囚犯,用疑似血液的东西在地上涂写了如是的文字,蓝天呼唤着我。
  At first Tyrion wondered who he'd been, and what had become of him; later, he decided that he would rather not know. 起先提利昂还猜测这人是谁,以及他下场如何;后来再想想,觉得自己还是别知道的好。
  If only he had shut his mouth. 要是他闭上嘴巴就好了…