冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第553期:第二十七章 布兰(25)(在线收听

   But Tyrion's mood had been too foul for sense. To his shame, he had faltered during the last leg of their day-long climb up to the Eyrie, his stunted legs unable to take him any higher.  然而那时提利昂心情正恶,哪还顾得了理智。在上鹰巢城长达一整天的攀爬之行最后,他发育缺陷的双腿实在无法行走,

  Bronn had carried him the rest of the way, and the humiliation poured oil on the flames of his anger.  只好很丢脸地让波隆背他上山。此刻所受的羞辱,无疑对他本已炽烈的怒意火上添油。
  It would seem I've been a busy little fellow, he said with bitter sarcasm. I wonder when I found the time to do all this slaying and murdering. 看来我还真是个忙碌的小家伙,他口气酸苦地讥讽道,连自己都不知道哪来的时间杀这杀那。
  He ought to have remembered who he was dealing with. Lysa Arryn and her half-sane weakling son had not been known at court for their love of wit, especially when it was directed at them. 他早该想起自己面对的是谁。莱莎·艾林和她那半疯的虚弱小鬼对耍弄机智向无好感,尤其是针对他们的时候,这在宫里是人尽皆知的事。
  Imp, Lysa said coldly, you will guard that mocking tongue of yours and speak to my son politely, or I promise you will have cause to regret it. Remember where you are.  小恶魔,莱莎冷冷地说,你最好管紧你那张碎嘴,对我儿子客气点,否则保证你后悔。不要忘记自己身在何处,
  This is the Eyrie, and these are knights of the Vale you see around you, true men who loved Jon Arryn well. Every one of them would die for me. 这里是鹰巢城,你周围的人都是艾林谷的骑士,个个忠贞不贰,对琼恩·艾林敬爱有加,他们每个人都愿意为我牺牲性命。
  Lady Arryn, should any harm come to me, my brother Jaime will be pleased to see that they do. Even as he spat out the words, Tyrion knew they were folly. 艾林夫人,我要有什么不测,我老哥詹姆绝对很乐意料理他们。话出口的刹那,提利昂发觉这么说实在愚蠢。
  Can you fly, my lord of Lannister? Lady Lysa asked. Does a dwarf have wings? If not, you would be wiser to swallow the next threat that comes to mind. 兰尼斯特大人,敢问您会飞吗?莱莎夫人间,侏儒有没有长翅膀啊?如果没有,您最好乖乖地把其他威胁都吞下肚去。
  I made no threats, Tyrion said. That was a promise. 我这不是威胁,提利昂道,而是保证。