冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第556期:第二十七章 布兰(28)(在线收听

   Now he was not so certain. 然而现在他却不那么确定了。

  Perhaps his captors only meant to let him rot here, but he feared he did not have the strength to rot for long.  或许他们只打算让他烂在这里,怕只怕自己连烂久点的力气都没有。
  He was growing weaker every day, and it was only a matter of time until Mord’s kicks and blows did him serious harm, provided the gaoler did not starve him to death first.  他日渐虚弱,距离莫德把他踢成重伤,只是时间的问题。这还得以狱卒没先把他饿死为前提。
  A few more nights of cold and hunger, and the blue would start calling to him too. 再来几个饥寒交迫的夜晚,蓝天就会呼唤他了。
  He wondered what was happening beyond the walls (such as they were) of his cell.  他不禁猜想囚室围墙(虽然根本没有围墙)之外是怎样一番情形。
  Lord Tywin would surely have sent out riders when the word reached him.  泰温公爵接获消息后一定会派出使者。
  Jaime might be leading a host through the Mountains of the Moon even now...unless he was riding north against Winterfell instead.  说不定这会儿詹姆已带着军队,穿越明月山脉而来…或者他直接对付临冬城?
  Did anyone outside the Vale even suspect where Catelyn Stark had taken him?  峡谷之外,谁会猜到凯特琳·史塔克把他绑架到这里呢?
  He wondered what Cersei would do when she heard.  他很好奇,瑟曦得知消息后会采取何种行动。
  The king could order him freed, but would Robert listen to his queen or his Hand?  国王自可下令释放他,但劳勃究竟会听他王后的话,还是他首相的话呢?
  Tyrion had no illusions about the king's love for his sister. 国王对姐姐的感情有多深,提利昂可是一清二楚。
  If Cersei kept her wits about her, she would insist the king sit in judgment of Tyrion himself.  若瑟曦肯仔细盘算,她应该坚持要国王亲自审判提利昂。
  Even Ned Stark could scarcely object to that, not without impugning the honor of the king.  这样一来,连奈德·史塔克也没法反对,否则便有损国王名誉。
  And Tyrion would be only too glad to take his chances in a trial.  对提利昂来说,能有公开审判的机会,自是求之不得。
  Whatever murders they might lay at his door, the Starks had no proof of anything so far as he could see.  无论他们给他安上什么罪名,到目前为止,他看不出他们能提出任何有力证据。
  Let them make their case before the Iron Throne and the lords of the land.  就让他们当着铁王座和全国诸侯的面审理这个案子吧。
  It would be the end of them. If only Cersei were clever enough to see that. 那么他们铁定完蛋。如果瑟曦真有这么机灵就好了…