冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第557期:第二十七章 布兰(29)(在线收听

   Tyrion Lannister sighed. His sister was not without a certain low cunning, but her pride blinded her.  提利昂·兰尼斯特叹了口气。姐姐是有些许小聪明,却常常被她的傲慢所蒙蔽。

  She would see the insult in this, not the opportunity.  她只会把这件事当成奇耻大辱,却看不到里面蕴藏的机会。
  And Jaime was even worse, rash and headstrong and quick to anger.  至于刚愎轻率又冲动易怒的詹姆,那就更别提了。
  His brother never untied a knot when he could slash it in two with his sword. 遇到绳结,只要能用剑斩成两段,哥哥是决计不会动脑筋解开的。
  He wondered which of them had sent the footpad to silence the Stark boy, and whether they had truly conspired at the death of Lord Arryn.  他倒想知道派小贼去杀那史塔克小鬼灭口的,究竟是哥哥还是姐姐,也很好奇艾林大人的死,到底与他们有没有关系。
  If the old Hand had been murdered, it was deftly and subtly done.  倘若老首相当真是被害死,还真是干得干净利落。
  Men of his age died of sudden illness all the time.  像他那年纪的人突然染病身亡本就稀松平常。
  In contrast, sending some oaf with a stolen knife after Brandon Stark struck him as unbelievably clumsy.  反过来讲,找个呆头鹅拿着偷来的刀去杀布兰登·史塔克,却是笨得不像话的作法。
  And wasn’t that peculiar, come to think on it. 仔细想想,还真是奇怪…
  Tyrion shivered. Now there was a nasty suspicion.  提利昂打了个冷颤。这是个下流的可能性。
  Perhaps the direwolf and the lion were not the only beasts in the woods, and if that was true, someone was using him as a catspaw.  或许冰原狼和狮子并非森林里仅有的猛兽,果真如此,那肯定是有人拿他当替死鬼。
  Tyrion Lannister hated being used. 提利昂·兰提斯特最恨被人利用。
  He would have to get out of here, and soon.  他得离开这鬼地方,越快越好。
  His chances of overpowering Mord were small to none, and no one was about to smuggle him a six-hundred-foot-long rope, so he would have to talk himself free.  跟莫德以力相搏是不用想了,大概也不会有人拿来六百英尺长的绳子助他脱逃,所以他只能靠三寸不烂之舌脱身。
  His mouth had gotten him into this cell; it could damn well get him out. 他这张碎嘴害他进了大牢,一定也他妈的能让他重获自由。
  Tyrion pushed himself to his feet, doing his best to ignore the slope of the floor beneath him, with its ever-so-subtle tug toward the edge.  提利昂站起来,努力不去注意脚下轻轻把他拖向悬崖边的倾斜地面。
  He hammered on the door with a fist. Mord! he shouted.  他握拳敲门。莫德!他喊道,
  Turnkey! Mord, I want you! He had to keep it up a good ten minutes before he heard footsteps.  看门的!莫德,我要跟你谈谈!他足足捶了十分钟才听见脚步声。
  Tyrion stepped back an instant before the door opened with a crash. 铁门轰然打开的前一刻,提利昂及时跳开。