冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第558期:第二十七章 布兰(30)(在线收听

   Making noise, Mord growled, with blood in his eyes. Dangling from one meaty hand was a leather strap, wide and thick, doubled over in his fist. 好吵。莫德满眼血丝地咆哮道。他一只肥手里握着一条又粗又宽的皮带,对折了抓在掌心。

  Never show them you're afraid, Tyrion reminded himself. How would you like to be rich? he asked. 别让他们知道你害怕,提利昂提醒自己。你想不想发财?他问。
  Mord hit him. He swung the strap backhand, lazily, but the leather caught Tyrion high on the arm.  莫德揍他。他反手懒懒地挥出皮带,打中提利昂上臂。
  The force of it staggered him, and the pain made him grit his teeth. No mouth, dwarf man, Mord warned him. 力道震得他脚步不稳,痛得他咬紧牙根。矮冬瓜,别吵。莫德警告他。
  Gold, Tyrion said, miming a smile. Casterly Rock is full of gold...ahhhh... 金子,提利昂装出笑,凯岩城里到处都是金子…啊啊啊…
  This time the blow was a forehand, and Mord put more of his arm into the swing, making the leather crack and jump.  这回莫德用了力,皮带一声爆裂,自他手中蹦跳到提利昂肋骨上,痛得他当即跪下呻吟。
  It caught Tyrion in the ribs and dropped him to his knees, wimpering.  他强迫自己抬头看着狱卒。跟兰尼斯特家一样有钱,
  He forced himself to look up at the gaoler. As rich as the Lannisters, he wheezed. That's what they say, Mord... 他呼吸困难地说,他们不都这样说么?莫德—
  Mord grunted. The strap whistled through the air and smashed Tyrion full in the face.  莫德咕哝一声,皮带划破空气,正中提利昂面门。
  The pain was so bad he did not remember falling, but when he opened his eyes again he was on the floor of his cell.  他天旋地转,连自己是如何摔倒都不记得。
  His ear was ringing, and his mouth was full of blood. He groped for purchase, to push himself up, and his fingers brushed against...nothing.  再睁眼时,他发现人躺在牢房地上,耳鸣不已,满嘴是血。他伸手想找个支撑爬起来,结果手指摸到的却是…什么也没有。
  Tyrion snatched his hand back as fast as if it had been scalded, and tried his best to stop breathing. He had fallen right on the edge, inches from the blue. 提利昂飞快地抽回手,仿佛被烫到似的,憋气不敢呼吸。他刚好落在山崖边,距离蓝天只有几寸之遥。