冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第559期:第二十八章 布兰(31)(在线收听

   The gaoler yanked his leather strap free of Tyrion's grasp.  狱卒把皮带从提利昂手中抽回。

  Message, he said, as if he had never heard the word before.  口信?他说,就好像以前从没听过这两个字。
  His frown made deep creases in his brow. 他一皱眉,额头上便现出许多深陷的凹痕。
  You heard me, my lord. Only carry my word to your lady. Tell her...What? What would possibly make Lysa Anyn relent?  是的,莫德大人,你听我说什么,就去跟你家夫人说什么。告诉她…告诉她什么?
  The inspiration came to Tyrion Lannister suddenly...tell her that I wish to confess my crimes. 如何才能打动莱莎·艾林?提利昂·兰尼斯特突然灵光一现。…告诉她我打算认罪。
  Mord raised his arm and Tyrion braced himself for another blow, but the turnkey hesitated. Suspicion and greed warred in his eyes.  莫德举起手,提利昂做好挨打的准备,但狱卒迟迟没有下手。怀疑和贪婪在他眼里交战。
  He wanted that gold, yet he feared a trick; he had the look of a man who had often been tricked. Is lie, he muttered darkly. Dwarf man cheat me. 他想要金子,却怕被骗;看来他以前似乎常被人戏弄。骗人,他阴沉地喃喃道,矮冬瓜骗我。
  I will put my promise in writing, Tyrion vowed. 要不咱们白纸黑字写清楚。提利昴发誓。
  Some illiterates held writing in disdain; others seemed to have a superstitious reverence for the written word, as if it were some sort of magic.  有些文盲对文字特别厌恶,有些则迷信般地将其奉若神明,仿佛那是种魔法。
  Fortunately, Mord was one of the latter. The turnkey lowered the strap. Writing down gold. Much gold. 幸运的是,莫德属于后者。狱卒放下皮带:写下金子,很多金子。
  Oh, much gold, Tyrion assured him. The purse is just a taste, my friend.  喔,很多很多,提利昂向他担保,亲爱的好朋友,我的钱包只是开胃小菜。
  My brother wears armor of solid gold plate. In truth, Jaime's armor was gilded steel, but this oaf would never know the difference. 我老哥连铠甲都是从头到尾用金子打的。事实上,詹姆的盔甲是钢做的,只是镀上一层金,但这驴蛋反正也分不出来。
  Mord fingered his strap thoughtfully, but in the end, he relented and went to fetch paper and ink.  莫德把玩着皮带,不过最后还是妥协地取来纸和墨水。
  When the letter was written, the gaoler frowned at it suspiciously.  写好之后,狱卒狐疑地皱眉看着那张纸。
  Now deliver my message, Tyrion urged. 现在去帮我传口信罢。提利昂催促。