冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第560期:第二十七章 布兰(32)(在线收听

   He was shivering in his sleep when they came for him, late that night.  当天深夜,他们来找他时,他正在睡梦中发抖。

  Mord opened the door but kept his silence.  莫德打开门,没有作声。
  Ser Vardis Egen woke Tyrion with the point of his boot. On your feet, Imp. My lady wants to see you. 瓦狄斯·伊根爵士用靴尖弄醒提利昂。小恶魔,快起来,我家夫人要见你。
  Tyrion rubbed the sleep from his eyes and put on a grimace he scarcely felt.  提利昂揉去眼中睡意,故意装出一副不悦的神情。
  No doubt she does, but what makes you think I wish to see her? 她当然想,可你怎么知道我想见她呢?
  Ser Vardis frowned. Tyrion remembered him well from the years he had spent at King’s Landing as the captain of the Hand’s household guard.  瓦狄斯爵士皱起眉头。他早些年曾在君临担任首相的侍卫队长,提利昂对他印象深刻。
  A square, plain face, silver hair, a heavy build, and no humor whatsoever.  这家伙生了张相貌平凡的宽脸,银发,身材粗壮,毫无幽默感可言。
  Your wishes are not my concern.  你怎么想不干我事。
  On your feet, or I’ll have you carried. 快起来,不然我叫人把你架走。
  Tyrion clambered awkwardly to his feet.  提利昂笨拙地爬起身。
  A cold night, he said casually, and the High Hall is so drafty.  今晚可真冷,他若无其事地说,大厅里又那么通风,
  I don’t wish to catch a chill. Mord, if you would be so good, fetch my cloak. 我可不想着凉。莫德,你行行好,把我的斗篷拿来罢。
  The gaoler squinted at him, face dull with suspicion. 狱卒眯眼看他,一脸大惑不解的表情。
  My cloak, Tyrion repeated. The shadowskin you took from me for safekeeping. You recall. 我的斗篷,提利昂重复,就你帮我保管的那件山猫皮披风,还记得吧?
  Get him the damnable cloak, Ser Vardis said. 快把他妈的斗篷拿来。瓦狄斯爵士道。
  Mord did not dare grumble. He gave Tyrion a glare that promised future retribution, yet he went for the cloak.  莫德不敢吭声。他瞪了提利昂一眼,那神情似乎在向他保证将来一定会报复,但他还是照办了。
  When he draped it around his prisoner’s neck, Tyrion smiled. My thanks.  当他为犯人披上斗篷时,提利昂微笑道:多谢,
  I shall think of you whenever I wear it.  以后我一穿上它就会想起你。
  He flung the trailing end of the long fur over his right shoulder, and felt warm for the first time in days. Lead on, Ser Vardis. 他把下垂的长边围上右肩,多日以来,第一次感觉到温暖。瓦狄斯爵士,请带路。