冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第561期:第二十七章 布兰(33)(在线收听

   Others sported sigils he did not know; broken lance, green viper, burning tower, winged chalice. 还有些家徽他不认识,如断裂长枪,绿色毒蛇,燃烧塔楼,以及粉红底上的带翅膀圣杯等等。

  Among the lords of the Vale were several of his companions from the high road; Ser Rodrik Cassel, pale from half-healed wounds, stood with Ser Willis Wode beside him.  峡谷众贵族间有几个是与他一道来的同伴。罗德利克·凯索爵士伤势未愈,脸色苍白,身旁站了维里·渥德爵士。
  Marillion the singer had found a new woodharp.  吟游歌手马瑞里安弄到一把新的木头竖琴。
  Tyrion smiled; whatever happened here tonight, he did not wish it to happen in secret, and there was no one like a singer for spreading a story near and far. 提利昂不禁微笑,无论今晚会发生什么,他都不希望私下进行,而若要把事情传播开去,再没有比吟游歌手更适合的了。
  In the rear of the hall, Bronn lounged beneath a pillar.  大厅后方,波隆慵懒地躺卧在一根柱子下。
  The freerider’s black eyes were fixed on Tyrion, and his hand lay lightly on the pommel of his sword. Tyrion gave him a long look, wondering... 这名流浪武士的黑眼睛盯着提利昂,手轻轻地搁在剑柄上。提利昂意味深长地看着他,心里盘算…
  Catelyn Stark spoke first. You wish to confess your crimes, we are told. 凯特琳·史塔克率先启齿:听说你有意公开认罪。
  I do, my lady, Tyrion answered. 是的,夫人。提利昂回答。
  Lysa Arryn smiled at her sister. The sky cells always break them. The gods can see them there, and there is no darkness to hide in. 莱莎·艾林朝她姐姐微笑。天牢可以让任何人屈服。在天牢里,天上诸神看得一清二楚,没有暗处可供躲藏。
  He does not look broken to me, Lady Catelyn said. 莱莎夫人没理睬她。
  Lady Lysa paid her no mind. Say what you will, she commanded Tyrion. 你说吧。她命令提利昂。
  And now to roll the dice, he thought with another quick glance back at Bronn.  孤注一掷的时候到了,他一边想,一边回头看了波隆一眼。