冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第563期:第二十七章 布兰(35)(在线收听

   Is this how justice is done in the Vale?  艾林谷里到底还有没有天理?

  Tyrion roared, so loudly that Ser Vardis froze for an instant.  提利昂大声怒吼,连瓦狄斯爵士都愣了一下。
  Does honor stop at the Bloody Gate?  难道说血门之内就连一点荣誉都没有了?
  You accuse me of crimes, I deny them, so you throw me into an open cell to freeze and starve.  你控告,我否认,你就把我扔进天牢挨饿受冻。
  He lifted his head, to give them all a good look at the bruises Mord had left on his face.  他抬起头,让众人清楚地看见莫德在他脸上留下的伤痕。
  Where is the king's justice?  请问国王的正义到哪里去了?
  Is the Eyrie not part of the Seven Kingdoms? I stand accused, you say. Very well. I demand a trial!  你说有人告我有罪,那好,我要求公平审判!
  Let me speak, and let my truth or falsehood be judged openly, in the sight of gods and men. 让我有机会为自己辩护,让天上诸神和地上人民来决定我说话的真伪。
  A low murmuring filled the High Hall.  大厅里四处都在窃窃私语。
  He had her, Tyrion knew.  提利昂知道自己逮着她了。
  He was highborn, the son of the most powerful lord in the realm, the brother of the queen.  他出身既高,是全国最权势的贵族之子,更是当今王后的弟弟。
  He could not be denied a trial.  无论如何,没有人能拒绝他的审判要求。
  Guardsmen in sky-blue cloaks had started toward Tyrion, but Ser Vardis bid them halt and looked to Lady Lysa. 几个穿天蓝色披风的卫兵朝提利昂走去,但瓦狄斯爵士示意他们停手,回头看着莱莎夫人。
  Her small mouth twitched in a petulant smile.  她的小嘴浮现一丝微笑。
  If you are tried and found to be guilty of the crimes for which you stand accused, then by the king's own laws, you must pay with your life's blood.  要是审判结果证明你的确有罪,那么依照国王的律法,你只有死路一条。
  We keep no headsman in the Eyrie, my lord of Lannister. Open the Moon Door. 不过呢,兰尼斯特大人,在鹰巢城里我们可没有刽子手。打开月门!
  The press of spectators parted. A narrow weirwood door stood between two slender marble pillars, a crescent moon carved in the white wood.  围观人群向两边退开。只见两根纤细的大理石柱中间有扇狭窄的鱼梁木门,上面用白木雕着新月的形状。
  Those standing closest edged backward as a pair of guardsmen marched through.  两个卫兵大跨步走过去,靠近门边的人赶忙向后退。
  One man removed the heavy bronze bars; the second pulled the door inward.  其中一个卫兵搬开沉重的青铜门闩,另一个则把门向内拉开。
  Their blue cloaks rose snapping from their shoulders, caught in the sudden gust of wind that came howling through the open door.  两人的蓝披风立时被狂啸而进的强风吹得飞上肩头,啪啪作响。
  Beyond was the emptiness of the night sky, speckled with cold uncaring stars. 门外,缀满了冰冷的无情繁星,是一片虚无夜空。