冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第564期:第二十七章 布兰(36)(在线收听

   Behold the king's justice, Lysa Arryn said.  依照国王的律法,我们举行审判。莱莎·艾林道。

  Torch flames fluttered like pennons along the walls, and here and there the odd torch guttered out. 沿着墙壁,无数的火炬如旌旗般猎猎晃动,被风吹熄的火把此起彼落。
  Lysa, I think this unwise, Catelyn Stark said as the black wind swirled around the hall. 莱莎,我认为这是不智之举。凯特琳·史塔克道。黑风在大厅内翻腾。
  Her sister ignored her. You want a trial, my lord of Lannister.  她妹妹没有理会。兰尼斯特大人,您要审判,
  Very well, a trial you shall have.  那好,就让您接受审判。
  My son will listen to whatever you care to say, and you shall hear his judgment.  你想说什么,我儿子都会倾听,接着你将接受他的判决。
  Then you may leave...by one door or the other. 然后呢…你要么走大门,不然就从这个门出去。
  She looked so pleased with herself, Tyrion thought, and small wonder.  她看来好生得意,提利昂心想。这也难怪,
  How could a trial threaten her, when her weakling son was the lord judge?  既然审判是由她那体弱多病的儿子主持,哪还能忤她的意?
  Tyrion glanced at her Moon Door.  提利昂瞟了瞟那个月门。
  Mother, I want to see him fly! The boy had said.  妈咪,我想看他飞!那小鬼是这么说的。
  How many men had the snot-nosed little wretch sent through that door already? 这鼻涕都擦不干净的毛头小子,到底送了多少人从那门出去?
  I thank you, my good lady, but I see no need to trouble Lord Robert, Tyrion said politely.  亲爱的夫人,非常感谢您的美意,但我觉得无需惊动劳勃大人。提利昂有礼地说:
  The gods know the truth of my innocence.  天上诸神会还我清白,
  I will have their verdict, not the judgment of men. I demand trial by combat. 我愿让他们做出裁判,非经世人之手。我要求比武审判。
  A storm of sudden laughter filled the High Hall of the Arryns.  艾林家的大厅里响起如雷般的笑声。
  Lord Nestor Royce snorted, Ser Willis chuckled, Ser Lyn Corbray guffawed, and others threw back their heads and howled until tears ran down their faces.  奈斯特·罗伊斯男爵嗤之以鼻,维里爵士呵呵直乐,林恩·科布瑞爵士捧腹大笑,其他人则是笑得前仰后合,涕泪横流。
  Marillion clumsily plucked a gay note on his new woodharp with the fingers of his broken hand.  马瑞里安笨拙地伸出断了指头的那只手,在新竖琴上拨下一个愉悦的音符。
  Even the wind seemed to whistle with derision as it came skirling through the Moon Door. 就连从月门外呼啸而进的狂风,听起来也充满嘲弄之意。