冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第565期:第二十七章 布兰(37)(在线收听

   Lysa Arryn's watery blue eyes looked uncertain.  只有莱莎·艾林水汪汪的蓝眼睛里充满了疑惑,

  He had caught her off balance.  显然他再度让她大感意外。
  You have that right, to be sure. 你当然有这个权利。
  The young knight with the green viper embroidered on his surcoat stepped forward and went to one knee.  外衣上绣了绿色毒蛇的那个年轻骑士,此时跨步向前,单膝跪下道:
  My lady, I beg the boon of championing your cause. 夫人,求您恩准我为您而战。
  The honor should be mine, old Lord Hunter said.  这份荣幸应该归我所有,老杭特伯爵说,
  For the love I bore your lord husband, let me avenge his death. 看在我对您夫君敬爱有加的份上,让我替他报仇罢。
  My father served Lord Jon faithfully as High Steward of the Vale, Ser Albar Royce boomed.  我父亲忠心耿耿地服侍琼恩大人,为其担任峡谷大总管之职。艾尔拔·罗伊斯朗声道,
  Let me serve his son in this. 请让我为他的儿子而战。
  The gods favor the man with the just cause, said Ser Lyn Corbray, yet often that turns out to be the man with the surest sword.  凡是立场纯正的人,诸神必定加以眷顾,林恩·科布瑞爵士说,这样的人也是最好的剑客。
  We all know who that is.  而我们都知道这个人是谁。
  He smiled modestly. 他谦虚地笑笑。
  A dozen other men all spoke at once, clamoring to be heard.  十来个人同声发话,抢着想压过别人。
  Tyrion found it disheartening to realize so many strangers were eager to kill him.  见到这么多人迫不及待想取他性命,提利昂深感沮丧。
  Perhaps this had not been such a clever plan after all. 或许到头来,这主意并不如原先预期的那么聪明。
  Lady Lysa raised a hand for silence.  莱莎夫人举手示意众人静声。
  I thank you, my lords, as I know my son would thank you if he were among us.  诸位大人,我衷心地感谢你们,相信我儿若是在场,也同样会深怀感激。
  No men in the Seven Kingdoms are as bold and true as the knights of the Vale.  放眼七国全境,无人可比咱们峡谷骑士的忠诚勇武。
  Would that I could grant you all this honor.  如果我能让诸位都拥有这份荣耀,不知该有多好。
  Yet I can choose only one. She gestured.  可惜我只能选出一个。她做出手势。
  Ser Vardis Egen, you were ever my lord husband's good right hand.  瓦狄斯·伊根爵士,您向来是我丈夫倚重的左右手。
  You shall be our champion. 请您担任我的代理骑士。
  Ser Vardis had been singularly silent.  瓦狄斯爵士一直保持着沉默。
  My lady, he said gravely, sinking to one knee, pray give this burden to another, I have no taste for it.  夫人,他屈膝跪下,口气凝重地说,还请将此重担交付他人,我实在无心出战。
  The man is no warrior.  此人并非武士,
  Look at him. A dwarf, half my size and lame in the legs.  看看他,侏儒一个,只有我一半高,又瘸了腿,
  It would be shameful to slaughter such a man and call it justice. 宰杀这种人,还叫主持正义,那太可耻了。