冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第566期:第二十七章 布兰(38)(在线收听

   Oh, excellent, Tyrion thought. I agree. 喔,太棒了,提利昂心想。我同意。

  Lysa glared at him. You demanded a trial by combat. 莱莎怒视着他。要求比武裁判的也是你。
  And now I demand a champion, such as you have chosen for yourself.  这会儿我还要像你一样,给自己找个代理骑士。
  My brother Jaime will gladly take my part, I know. 就我所知嘛,我老哥詹姆会很乐意替我出战。
  Your precious Kingslayer is hundreds of leagues from here, snapped Lysa Arryn. 你伟大的弑君者离此有几百里格。莱莎·艾林斥道。
  Send a bird for him. I will gladly await his arrival. 派只鸟把他找来。我很乐意等他。
  You will face Ser Vardis on the morrow. 你明天就得跟瓦狄斯爵士决斗。
  Singer, Tyrion said, turning to Marillion, when you make a ballad of this, be certain you tell them how Lady Arryn denied the dwarf the right to a champion, and sent him forth lame and bruised and hobbling to face her finest knight. 唱歌的,提利昂转身对马瑞里安说,等你把这事编成曲子,别忘了说艾林夫人是怎样不准侏儒找代理骑士,逼他一瘸一拐,浑身是伤地去对付她手下最优秀的骑士。
  I deny you nothing!  我哪有不准?
  Lysa Arryn said, her voice peeved and shrill with irritation. 莱莎·艾林道。她语气尖锐,显然恼怒已极。
  Name your champion, Imp...if you think you can find a man to die for you. 小恶魔,有本事你就挑个代理骑士啊…如果你认为有人会愿意为你送命的话。
  If it is all the same to you, I'd sooner find one to kill for me. Tyrion looked over the long hall.  说实话,我是找个人来替我杀人。提利昂扫视长厅。
  No one moved. For a long moment he wondered if it had all been a colossal blunder. 无人动作。过了好长一段时间,他不禁怀疑这是不是个天大的错误。
  Then there was a stirring in the rear of the chamber.  接着,大厅后面起了阵骚动。
  I'll stand for the dwarf, Bronn called out. 我帮侏儒上场吧,波隆叫道。
  He dreamt an old dream, of three knights in white cloaks, and a tower long fallen, and Lyanna in her bed of blood. 他再度梦见那三位雪白披风的骑士,那座倾塌已久的塔楼,以及躺卧血床的莱安娜。