冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第570期:第二十七章 布兰(42)(在线收听

   Alyn stepped into the bedchamber a few moments after the steward had taken his leave. My lord. 总管离开后没几分钟,埃林走进他的卧房。大人。

  Poole tells me it has been six days, Ned said.  普尔说我睡了六天。奈德道,
  I must know how things stand. 我要知道现在局势如何。
  The Kingslayer is fled the city, Alyn told him.  弑君者跑了。埃林告诉他,
  The talk is he’s ridden back to Casterly Rock to join his father.  传说是逃回凯岩城和他父亲会合。
  The story of how Lady Catelyn took the Imp is on every lip. 凯特琳夫人逮捕小恶魔的事,已经传遍大街小巷,
  I have put on extra guards, if it please you. 所以我加派了守卫,希望您不介意。
  It does, Ned assured him. My daughters? 你做得很好。奈德赞许道。我的女儿们呢?
  They have been with you every day, my lord.  大人,她们每天都陪着您。珊莎静静地为您祷告,
  Sansa prays quietly, but Arya...He hesitated.  可艾莉亚…他迟疑了一下。
  She has not said a word since they brought you back.  自他们把您带回来后,她就没说过半个字。
  She is a fierce little thing, my lord.  大人,她性子很烈,
  I have never seen such anger in a girl. 我从没见哪个小女孩这么生气过。
  Whatever happens, Ned said, I want my daughters kept safe.  无论如何,奈德道,我希望我女儿们平安无事。
  I fear this is only the beginning. 恐怕麻烦才刚开始。
  No harm will come to them, Lord Eddard, Alyn said. I stake my life on that. 艾德大人,她们不会有事的。埃林道,我拿性命担保。
  Jory and the others. 乔里他们…
  I gave them over to the silent sisters, to be sent north to Winterfell.  我把他们交给了静默修女会的姐妹,准备送回临冬城去。
  Jory would want to lie beside his grandfather. 应该让乔里葬在他祖父身边。
  It would have to be his grandfather, for Jory’s father was buried far to the south.  他只能与祖父葬在一块,因为乔里的父亲葬在遥远的南方。
  Martyn Cassel had perished with the rest.  马丁·凯索和其他人一样命丧南疆,
  Ned had pulled the tower down afterward, and used its bloody stones to build eight cairns upon the ridge.  战后奈德拆掉高塔,用其血色石砖在山脊上筑起八座石冢。
  It was said that Rhaegar had named that place the tower of joy, but for Ned it was a bitter memory.  据说雷加将它命名为极乐塔,但对奈德而言,那里却充满了痛苦的回忆。
  They had been seven against three, yet only two had lived to ride away; Eddard Stark himself and the little crannogman, Howland Reed.  他们以七对三,却只有艾德·史塔克他自己,和小个子的泽地人霍兰·黎德两人生还。
  He did not think it omened well that he should dream that dream again after so many years. 多年以来,这个梦反复出现,实在不是什么好兆头。