冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第571期:第二十七章 布兰(43)(在线收听

   Robert had taken time to dress. He wore a black velvet doublet with the crowned stag of Baratheon worked upon the breast in golden thread, and a golden mantle with a cloak of black and gold squares.  劳勃还花了点心思打扮。他穿着黑天鹅绒上衣,胸前用金线绣着拜拉席恩家族的宝冠雄鹿,外罩黑金格子披风。

  A flagon of wine was in his hand, his face already flushed from drink.  他手里拿了瓶葡萄酒,喝得满脸通红。
  Cersei Lannister entered behind him, a jeweled tiara in her hair. 瑟曦·兰尼斯特跟在他身后,头上带着珠宝王冠。
  Your Grace, Ned said. Your pardons. I cannot rise. 陛下,奈德道,请您原谅,恕我无法起身。
  No matter, the king said gruffly. Some wine?  没关系。国王粗声道,要不要喝两口?
  From the Arbor. A good vintage. 青亭岛的好东西。
  A small cup, Ned said. My head is still heavy from the milk of the poppy. 一小杯就好,奈德说,我喝了罂粟花奶,头还昏昏沉沉的。
  A man in your place should count himself fortunate that his head is still on his shoulders, the queen declared. 还保得住脑袋,已经算你走运。王后表示。
  Quiet, woman, Robert snapped.  臭女人,给我安静点。国王斥道。
  He brought Ned a cup of wine. Does the leg still pain you? 他端给奈德一杯酒。脚还痛吗?
  Some, Ned said. His head was swimming, but it would not do to admit to weakness in front of the queen. 还有一点。奈德说。他虽然头晕目眩,却不愿在王后面前自承虚弱。
  Pycelle swears it will heal clean. Robert frowned. I take it you know what Catelyn has done? 派席尔保证痊愈以后不会留下疤痕,劳勃皱眉道,我想你知道凯特琳干了什么好事吧?
  I do. Ned took a small swallow of wine. My lady wife is blameless, Your Grace.  我知道。奈德啜了一小口酒。我夫人没有错,陛下。
  All she did she did at my command. 都是我的意思。