冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第573期:第二十七章 布兰(45)(在线收听

   I've talked to Littlefinger, Robert said.  我跟小指头谈过了,劳勃道,

  He claims he rode off to bring the gold cloaks before the fighting began, but he admits you were returning from some whorehouse. 他说他急忙去找都城守卫队时,你们还没开打,不过他承认你当时的确是从某家妓院回来。
  Some whorehouse?  某家妓院?
  Damn your eyes, Robert, I went there to have a look at your daughter!  劳勃,你是瞎了眼不成?我到那儿是去看你女儿!
  Her mother has named her Barra.  她妈给她取了个名字叫芭拉,
  She looks like that first girl you fathered, when we were boys together in the Vale. 长得很像我们住在峡谷、都还是小男孩时你那个女儿,你的第一个女儿。
  He watched the queen as he spoke; her face was a mask, still and pale, betraying nothing. 他边说边看王后,可她像是戴着面具,苍白而冷静,不露出任何情绪。
  Robert flushed. Barra, he grumbled.  劳勃红了脸。芭拉,他喃喃说,
  Is that supposed to please me? Damn the girl.  想哄我高兴吗?这小女子真该死,
  I thought she had more sense. 怎么一点常识都没有。
  She cannot be more than fifteen, and a whore, and you thought she had sense? 她连十五岁都不到,就得出卖肉体,你还期望她有常识?
  Ned said, incredulous.  奈德难以置信地说。
  His leg was beginning to pain him sorely.  他的腿痛得厉害,
  It was hard to keep his temper.  使他按捺不住怒气。
  The fool child is in love with you, Robert. 劳勃,那傻孩子疯狂地爱着你,你知道吗?
  The king glanced at Cersei.  国王瞄了瑟曦一眼。
  This is no fit subject for the queen's ears. 这些事给王后听见不好。
  Her Grace will have no liking for anything I have to say, Ned replied.  只怕不管我说什么,王后陛下都不会爱听。奈德答道,
  I am told the Kingslayer has fled the city.  我听说弑君者逃出城去了。
  Give me leave to bring him back to justice. 请你允许我把他抓回来接受法律制裁。
  The king swirled the wine in his cup, brooding.  国王晃着杯中酒,沉思半晌,最后灌了一大口。
  He took a swallow. No, he said.  不行,他说,这样下去没完没了。
  I want no more of this. Jaime slew three of your men, and you five of his. Now it ends. 詹姆杀了你三个人,你也杀了他五个,算扯平了。
  Is that your notion of justice? Ned flared.  这就是你所谓的正义吗?奈德怒道,
  If so, I am pleased that I am no longer your Hand. 如果是的话,那我真庆幸没继续当你的首相。
  The queen looked to her husband.  王后看看她丈夫。
  If any man had dared speak to a Targaryen as he has spoken to you... 以前要是有人敢用这种口气对坦格利安家的人说话...