冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第575期:第二十七章 布兰(47)(在线收听

   By what right do you dare lay hands on my blood? Cersei demanded. Who do you think you are? 你凭什么对我家人下手?瑟曦质问,你以为你什么东西?

  The Hand of the King, Ned told her with icy courtesy.  我是御前首相。奈德有礼但冰冷地回敬,
  Charged by your own lord husband to keep the king's peace and enforce the king's justice. 奉了你丈夫的指令,以国王之名维护和平和公理正义。
  You were the Hand, Cersei began, but now... 你曾经是首相,瑟曦不依不饶,如今—
  Silence! the king roared. You asked him a question and he answered it.  安静!国王咆哮道,你问他问题,他也回答了你。
  Cersei subsided, cold with anger, and Robert turned back to Ned.  瑟曦冷冷地退开,满脸怒容。劳勃又转向奈德。
  Keep the king's peace, you say.  奈德,你说以国王之名维护和平,
  Is this how you keep my peace, Ned? Seven men are dead? 请问这就是你维护和平的方式么?总共死了七个人…
  Eight, the queen corrected. Tregar died this morning, of the blow Lord Stark gave him. 八个,王后纠正他,崔格今早上死了,死于史塔克大人那一剑。
  Abductions on the kingsroad and drunken slaughter in my streets, the king said.  先是在国王大道上公然绑架,然后又在城里面喝酒杀人,国王道,
  I will not have it, Ned. 奈德,我不会容许这种事的。
  Catelyn had good reason for taking the Imp... 凯特琳有充分的理由去抓小恶魔—
  I said, I will not have it! To hell with her reasons.  我说我不容许这种事发生!管她什么理由。
  You will command her to release the dwarf at once, and you will make your peace with Jaime. 我要你命令她立刻释放侏儒,然后跟詹姆和好。
  Three of my men were butchered before my eyes, because Jaime Lannister wished to chasten me. Am I to forget that? 詹姆只因为想教训我,就当着我的面屠杀了我三个部下,而你却叫我当这事没发生过?
  My brother was not the cause of this quarrel, Cersei told the king.  这场争端可不是我弟弟挑起的,瑟曦告诉国王,
  Lord Stark was returning drunk from a brothel.  当时史塔克大人喝醉了酒,刚从妓院里出来。
  His men attacked Jaime and his guards, even as his wife attacked Tyrion on the kingsroad. 他手下的人攻击詹姆和他的卫士,就像他太太在国王大道上攻击提利昂一样。