冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第577期:第二十七章 布兰(49)(在线收听

   The queen looked to her husband. If any man had dared speak to a Targaryen as he has spoken to you... 王后看看她丈夫。以前要是有人敢用这种口气对坦格利安家的人说话—

  Do you take me for Aerys? Robert interrupted. 你当我是伊里斯吗?劳勃打断她的话。
  I took you for a king.  我当你是一国之君。
  Jaime and Tyrion are your own brothers, by all the laws of marriage and the bonds we share.  论法律论姻亲,詹姆和提利昂都算是你兄弟,
  The Starks have driven off the one and seized the other.  如今史塔克家的人赶走一个又抓了另一个,
  This man dishonors you with every breath he takes, and yet you stand there meekly, asking if his leg pains him and would he like some wine. 而这个人说的每一句话都在羞辱你,你却只会乖乖站在旁边,一会儿问他腿痛不痛,一会儿问他要不要喝酒。
  Robert's face was dark with anger.  劳勃脸色阴沉,满面怒容。
  How many times must I tell you to hold your tongue, woman? 臭女人,你要我说几次才会闭嘴?
  Cersei's face was a study in contempt.  瑟曦的神情轻蔑得无以复加。
  What a jape the gods have made of us two, she said.  天上诸神还真开了我俩一个大玩笑,她说,
  By all rights, you ought to be in skirts and me in mail. 你应该穿裙子当女人,像个男人披挂上阵的该是我。
  Purple with rage, the king lashed out, a vicious backhand blow to the side of the head.  国王气得脸色发紫,伸手就是狠狠一拳,
  She stumbled against the table and fell hard, yet Cersei Lannister did not cry out.  把她打得踉跄着撞上桌子,重重跌倒在地。瑟曦·兰尼斯特没吭半声,
  Her slender fingers brushed her cheek, where the pale smooth skin was already reddening.  她伸出纤细的手指抚着脸,面颊光滑的雪白肌肤已经开始泛红,
  On the morrow the bruise would cover half her face.  等到明天,半边脸就会肿起来。
  I shall wear this as a badge of honor, she announced. 我会把这当成荣誉的奖章。她宣示。
  Wear it in silence, or I'll honor you again, Robert vowed. He shouted for a guard.  那就给我安静地戴好,否则我让你更光荣。劳勃保证。他大喊来人,
  Ser Meryn Trant stepped into the room, tall and somber in his white armor.  穿着白色铠甲,高大阴沉的马林·特兰爵士走进屋内。
  The queen is tired. See her to her bedchamber.  王后累了。送她回房。
  The knight helped Cersei to her feet and led her out without a word. 骑士扶起瑟曦,一言不发地领她出去了。