冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第580期:第二十七章 凯特琳(2)(在线收听

   So in death, the gods had decreed that she would know no rest until her weeping watered the black earth of the Vale, where the men she had loved were buried.  于是诸神谕令,死后她将泪流不止,直到流下的泪水浇灌至峡谷平原的黑色沃野,因为她所爱的人们都葬在那里。

  Alyssa had been dead six thousand years now, and still no drop of the torrent had ever reached the valley floor far below.  阿莱莎已经死了六千年,然而至今没有一滴河水流到谷底。
  Catelyn wondered how large a waterfall her own tears would make when she died.  凯特琳不禁揣测,等自己死后,她的泪水又会变成多大的瀑布。
  Tell me the rest of it,she said. 还有什么消息?她说。
  The Kingslayer is massing a host at Casterly Rock, Ser Rodrik Cassel answered from the room behind her.  弑君者正在凯岩城集结军队,身后的房间里,罗德利克爵士回答,
  Your brother writes that he has sent riders to the Rock, demanding that Lord Tywin proclaim his intent, but he has had no answer.  您哥哥信上说他派人去凯岩城,要求泰温大人表明意图,但至今没有回应。
  Edmure has commanded Lord Vance and Lord Piper to guard the pass below the Golden Tooth.  艾德慕已命凡斯大人和派柏大人把守金牙城下的隘口,
  He vows to you that he will yield no foot of Tully land without first watering it with Lannister blood. 并向您发誓,他决不放弃徒利家族的每一寸土地,若兰尼斯特敢来进犯,就用他们的血来浇灌。
  Catelyn turned away from the sunrise.  凯特琳移开视线,不再观看日出。
  Its beauty did little to lighten her mood; it seemed cruel for a day to dawn so fair and end so foul as this one promised to.  朝阳再美,也难以振奋她的心绪。想到一日之始如此美丽,却注定将以惨剧收场,她愈发感慨造物者的残酷。
  Edmure has sent riders and made vows, she said, but Edmure is not the Lord of Riverrun.  艾德慕派了人也发了誓,她说:但他不是奔流城公爵。
  What of my lord father? 我父亲大人有消息吗?
  The message made no mention of Lord Hoster, my lady.  夫人,信上没提到霍斯特大人。
  Ser Rodrik tugged at his whiskers.  罗德利克爵士捻捻胡须。
  They had grown in white as snow and bristly as a thornbush while he was recovering from his wounds; he looked almost himself again. 他养伤期间,胡子又重新色白如雪,林立如丛。现在的他,模样与从前几无二致了。