冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第581期:第二十七章 凯特琳(3)(在线收听

   My father would not have given the defense of Riverrun over to Edmure unless he was very sick, she said, worried.  父亲若非病重,决不会把奔流的防务交给艾德慕。她忧心忡忡地说,

  I should have been woken as soon as this bird arrived. 鸟儿捎信来的时候,你应该立刻叫醒我才对。
  Your lady sister thought it better to let you sleep, Maester Colemon told me. 柯蒙学士告诉我,您妹妹想让您好好休息。
  I should have been woken, she insisted. 应该叫醒我。她坚持。
  The maester tells me your sister planned to speak with you after the combat, Ser Rodrik said. 学士他还说,您妹妹准备在比武之后再和您谈谈。
  Then she still plans to go through with this mummer's farce? Catelyn grimaced.  这么说来,她真打算把这出闹剧演下去?凯特琳皱眉。
  The dwarf has played her like a set of pipes, and she is too deaf to hear the tune.  那侏儒拿她当笛子吹,她自己还蒙在鼓里。
  Whatever happens this morning, Ser Rodrik, it is past time we took our leave.  罗德利克爵士,无论今天早上结果如何,我们都该动身。
  My place is at Winterfell with my sons.  我的职责是在临冬城陪伴儿子们。
  If you are strong enough to travel, I shall ask Lysa for an escort to see us to Gulltown. We can take ship from there. 假如你体力还撑得住,我这就请莱莎派人护送我们到海鸥镇,我们从那里搭船回去。
  Another ship? Ser Rodrik looked a shade green, yet he managed not to shudder.  又要坐船?罗德利克脸色发青,但还是忍耐住没有发抖。
  As you say, my lady. 夫人,就照您吩咐。
  The old knight waited outside her door as Catelyn summoned the servants Lysa had given her.  凯特琳唤来莱莎派给她差遣的仆人,老骑士则候在门外。
  If she spoke to her sister before the duel, perhaps she could change her mind, she thought as they dressed her.  她一边更衣,一边想着如果赶在决斗开始前与妹妹谈谈,或许能让她改变心意。
  Lysa's policies varied with her moods, and her moods changed hourly.  莱莎行事全依心情而定,偏偏她的个性又阴晴不定。
  The shy girl she had known at Riverrun had grown into a woman who was by turns proud, fearful, cruel, dreamy, reckless, timid, stubborn, vain, and, above all, inconstant. 她所认识的,昔日奔流城那位羞怯少女,已经长成了时而傲慢,时而忧惧,又或残忍,甚至空幻不切实际,粗心大意、怯懦怕事、好大喜功的妇人,最糟糕的是她还变化无常。
  When that vile turnkey of hers had come crawling to tell them that Tyrion Lannister wished to confess, Catelyn had urged Lysa to have the dwarf brought to them privately, but no, nothing would do but that her sister must make a show of him before half the Vale. And now this. 当初她那阴狠的狱吏连走带爬,跑来告诉她们提利昂·兰尼斯特有意认罪,凯特琳便力劝莱莎私下会审侏儒,然而妹妹非得在峡谷贵族面前大肆炫耀一番不可,结果竟演变至此…