冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第582期:第二十七章 凯特琳(4)(在线收听

   Lannister is my prisoner, she told Ser Rodrik as they descended the tower stairs and made their way through the Eyrie's cold white halls.  兰尼斯特是我的犯人,他们步上高塔楼梯,朝鹰巢城冰冷苍白的大厅走去时,她这么对罗德利克爵士说。

  Catelyn wore plain grey wool with a silvered belt.  凯特琳穿了一件朴素的灰羊毛外衣,系上一条镀银的腰带。
  My sister must be reminded of that. 我妹妹不能忘记这点。
  At the doors to Lysa's apartments, they met her uncle storming out.  他们在莱莎居所外遇见叔叔怒气冲冲地冲出来。
  Going to join the fool's festival?  这群傻瓜过节呢,你也去干嘛?
  Ser Brynden snapped.  布林登爵士斥道,
  I'd tell you to slap some sense into your sister, if I thought it would do any good, but you'd only bruise your hand. 本来我想叫你甩你妹妹两个耳光,把她打清醒,可这没用,你只会打痛自己的手。
  There was a bird from Riverrun, Catelyn began, a letter from Edmure. 有只鸟儿从奔流城过来,凯特琳开口,艾德慕写信…
  I know, child. The black fish that fastened his cloak was Brynden's only concession to ornament.  孩子,我知道,布林登斗篷上的黑鱼,是他全身上下惟一称得上装饰的东西。
  I had to hear it from Maester  我从柯蒙师傅那儿听到了消息。
  Colemon. I asked your sister for leave to take a thousand seasoned men and ride for Riverrun with all haste.  我请你妹妹拨给我一千精兵,火速驰援奔流城,
  Do you know what she told me?  结果你知道她说了些什么?
  The Vale cannot spare a thousand swords, nor even one, Uncle, she said.  她说叔叔,鹰巢城的守军少不了一个,更别提一千,
  You are the Knight of the Gate. Your place is here.  再说你是血门骑士,理应留守于此。
  A gust of childish laughter drifted through the open doors behind him, and her uncle glanced darkly over his shoulder.  他身后敞开的大门内传出一阵充满稚气的笑声,叔叔沉着脸回头看了一眼。
  Well, I told her she could bloody well find herself a new Knight of the Gate.  好吧,反正我告诉她大可再找个新的血门骑士。
  Black fish or no, I am still a Tully. I shall leave for Riverrun by evenfall. 无论我是不是黑鱼,我到底是徒利家的人。今天傍晚我就回奔流城。
  Catelyn could not pretend to surprise. Alone?  凯特琳难掩惊讶之情。就你一个人?
  You know as well as I that you will never survive the high road.  你我都很清楚一个人走山路根本是找死。
  Ser Rodrik and I are returning to Winterfell. Come with us, Uncle.  正好罗德利克爵士和我也准备回临冬城去。叔叔,跟我们一道走罢,
  I will give you your thousand men. Riverrun will not fight alone. 那一千精兵我来给。奔流城绝不会孤军作战。