冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第583期:第二十七章 凯特琳(5)(在线收听

   Brynden thought a moment, then nodded a brusque agreement.  布林登沉吟半晌,然后唐突地点点头。

  As you say. It's the long way home, but I'm more like to get there.  那就这样。虽然是绕远路,但我抵达的机会却也比较大。
  I'll wait for you below. He went striding off, his cloak swirling behind him. 我在下面等你。说完他大跨步离去,披风在背后飘荡。
  Catelyn exchanged a look with Ser Rodrik.  凯特琳与罗德利克爵士交换了个眼色,
  They went through the doors to the high, nervous sound of a child's giggles. 接着穿过大门,朝那一片高亢尖锐,却又焦虑不安的孩童嘻笑声走去。
  Lysa's apartments opened over a small garden, a circle of dirt and grass planted with blue flowers and ringed on all sides by tall white towers.  莱莎的居所位于一座小花园之上,花园呈圆圈状,白色高塔环绕四周。
  The builders had intended it as a godswood, but the Eyrie rested on the hard stone of the mountain, and no matter how much soil was hauled up from the Vale, they could not get a weirwood to take root here.  花园的泥土和青草上种植着蓝色花朵,当初工匠的原意是要栽培神木林,然而鹰巢城立基于山巅坚硬的磐石之上,无论自艾林谷运来多少沃壤,依旧不能让鱼梁木在此生根茁长。
  So the Lords of the Eyrie planted grass and scattered statuary amidst low, flowering shrubs.  于是历任公爵改种草坪,并在花朵繁茂的矮树丛间放置雕像。
  It was there the two champions would meet to place their lives, and that of Tyrion Lannister, into the hands of the gods. 两位决斗者与提利昂·兰尼斯特的性命,便将在此交付天上诸神,做出最后决断。
  Lysa, freshly scrubbed and garbed in cream velvet with a rope of sapphires and moonstones around her milk-white neck, was holding court on the terrace overlooking the scene of the combat, surrounded by her knights, retainers, and lords high and low.  莱莎刚梳洗完毕,换了身奶油色的天鹅绒外衣,乳白的颈项间戴了一串青玉和月长石,这时正在露天阳台上主持集会。该处视野恰好可将决斗过程尽收眼底,莱莎身边围满了随从、骑士、以及大小领主。
  Most of them still hoped to wed her, bed her, and rule the Vale of Arryn by her side.  其中大部分人依旧怀着希望,想娶她睡她,然后与她并肩统治艾林谷。
  From what Catelyn had seen during her stay at the Eyrie, it was a vain hope. 但就凯特琳这些天来在鹰巢城所见判断,他们的希望不大。