冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第585期:第二十七章 凯特琳(7)(在线收听

   Thank you, no. Lysa, we must talk. 谢谢,不用了。莱莎,我要跟你谈谈。

  After, her sister promised, already beginning to turn away from her. 等下再说。妹妹刚出口保证,就转身准备离开。
  Now. Catelyn spoke more loudly than she'd intended.  现在要谈。凯特琳不自觉地提高音量,
  Men were turning to look.  引来旁人转头观望。
  Lysa, you cannot mean to go ahead with this folly. 莱莎,你不能这样胡闹下去。
  Alive, the Imp has value.  小恶魔活着才有价值,
  Dead, he is only food for crows. And if his champion should prevail here... 死了就只能喂乌鸦。若是他的代理骑士打赢。
  Small chance of that, my lady, Lord Hunter assured her, patting her shoulder with a liver-spotted hand.  夫人,我看没这可能。杭特爵士伸出布满老人斑的手拍拍她肩膀,向她保证。
  Ser Vardis is a doughty fighter. He will make short work of the sellsword. 瓦狄斯爵士武艺超群,三两下便可把那佣兵解决掉。
  Will he, my lord? Catelyn said coolly. I wonder.  大人,你就这么有把握?凯特琳冷冷地说,我可不敢说。
  She had seen Bronn fight on the high road; it was no accident that he had survived the journey while other men had died.  她在山路上亲眼见识过波隆的身手,他之所以能活到现在,绝非偶然。
  He moved like a panther, and that ugly sword of his seemed a part of his arm. 他行动灵敏宛如猎豹,那柄丑陋的剑更仿佛与他手臂合为一体。
  Lysa's suitors were gathering around them like bees round a blossom.  莱莎的追求者们纷纷聚集过来,如同围绕花朵的蜜蜂。
  Women understand little of these things, Ser Morton Waynwood said.  女人家哪懂这种事?莫顿·韦伍德爵士道,
  Ser Vardis is a knight, sweet lady.  亲爱的夫人,瓦狄斯爵士乃堂堂骑士。
  This other fellow, well, his sort are all cowards at heart.  至于那家伙嘛,呵,他那种人骨子里都是懦夫。
  Useful enough in a battle, with thousands of their fellows around them, but stand them up alone and the manhood leaks right out of them. 打仗的时候,几千个聚在一起,还管点用,可叫他一对一与人单打独斗,谅他没这能耐。