冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第586期:第二十七章 凯特琳(8)(在线收听

   Say you have the truth of it, then, Catelyn said with a courtesy that made her mouth ache.  就算是这样,凯特琳硬装出来的礼貌口吻,连自己都受不了。

  What will we gain by the dwarf's death?  敢问侏儒死了对我们有何好处?
  Do you imagine that Jaime will care a fig that we gave his brother a trial before we flung him off a mountain? 只要我们把他丢下山崖,您觉得詹姆会在乎我们有没有事先举行审判吗?
  Behead the man, Ser Lyn Corbray suggested. When the Kingslayer receives the Imp's head, it will be a warning to him, 干脆把他脑袋砍了,林恩·科布瑞爵士提议,再把首级送给弑君者,当作给他的警告。
  Lysa gave an impatient shake of her waist-long auburn hair.  莱莎不耐烦地甩甩及腰的红棕长发。
  Lord Robert wants to see him fly, she said, as if that settled the matter.  劳勃大人想要看他飞,她的语气仿佛在为这场争执划下句点。
  And the Imp has only himself to blame. It was he who demanded a trial by combat. 要怪也只能怪小恶魔自己,当初要求比武审判的也是他。