冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第589期:第二十七章 凯特琳(11)(在线收听

   When the last echo had died away, the septon lowered his crystal and made a hasty departure. Tyrion leaned over and whispered something in Bronn's ear before the guardsmen led him away.  当最后一抹余音散去,修士放下水晶,快步离去。提利昂在卫兵将他带走前,凑到波隆耳边低声说了几句,

  The sellsword rose laughing and brushed a blade of grass from his knee. 佣兵听了哈哈大笑,起身拍拍膝盖上的草。
  Robert Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie and Defender of the Vale, was fidgeting impatiently in his elevated chair. 鹰巢城公爵与峡谷守护者劳勃·艾林此时正不耐烦地在高高的座椅上扭来扭去。
  When are they going to fight? he asked plaintively. 他们什么时候开打?他哀怨地问。
  Ser Vardis was helped back to his feet by one of his squires.  瓦狄斯爵士的侍从之一扶他起身,
  The other brought him a triangular shield almost four feet tall, heavy oak dotted with iron studs.  另一个则为他拿来长近四尺,厚重橡木所制,表面有铁钉的三角形盾牌。
  They strapped it to his left forearm.  两位侍从协力替他把盾绑在左臂前端。
  When Lysa's master-at-arms offered Bronn a similar shield, the sellsword spat and waved it away.  莱莎的士兵递给波隆一面类似的护盾,但佣兵啐了口唾沫,挥手拒绝。
  Three days growth of coarse black beard covered his jaw and cheeks, but if he did not shave it was not for want of a razor;  三天没刮的粗黑胡子盖住了他的下巴和两颊,但他决非没有剃刀。
  the edge of his sword had the dangerous glimmer of steel that had been honed every day for hours, until it was too sharp to touch. 他的剑锋闪着致命的光泽,看得出每天都花好几个小时打磨,直到锋利得血肉难近为止。
  Ser Vardis held out a gauntleted hand, and his squire placed a handsome double-edged longsword in his grasp.  瓦狄斯爵士伸出一只戴着铁护腕的手,他的侍从递过一把漂亮的、两面开刃的长剑。
  The blade was engraved with a delicate silver tracery of a mountain sky;  剑身用银线雕镂出山间长空的纹理,
  its pommel was a falcon's head, its crossguard fashioned into the shape of wings.  剑柄如猎鹰的头,护手则是两只翅膀。
  I had that sword crafted for Jon in King's Landing, Lysa told her guests proudly as they watched Ser Vardis try a practice cut.  这把剑是我在君临的时候特意叫人为琼恩铸的,莱莎骄傲地告诉她的宾客,他们都看着瓦狄斯爵士尝试挥舞。
  He wore it whenever he sat the Iron Throne in King Robert's place.  每当他代替劳勃国王坐上铁王座,他总会配戴这柄剑。
  Isn't it a lovely thing?  你们说它漂不漂亮?
  I thought it only fitting that our champion avenge Jon with his own blade. 我认为让我们的骑士手持琼恩的剑替他复仇,是再恰当也不过了。