冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第590期:第二十七章 凯特琳(12)(在线收听

   The engraved silver blade was beautiful beyond a doubt, but it seemed to Catelyn that Ser Vardis might have been more comfortable with his own sword.  雕花银剑固然漂亮,但在凯特琳看来,若让瓦狄斯爵士用他自己的武器会更称手。

  Yet she said nothing; she was weary of futile arguments with her sister. 可她深知与妹妹争执徒劳无功,因此什么也没说。
  Make them fight! Lord Robert called out. 叫他们快打!劳勃公爵大喊。
  Ser Vardis faced the Lord of the Eyrie and lifted his sword in salute. For the Eyrie and the Vale! 瓦狄斯爵士转身面向鹰巢城公爵,举剑致敬。为鹰巢城和艾林谷而战!
  Tyrion Lannister had been seated on a balcony across the garden, flanked by his guards.  提利昂·兰尼斯特被安排坐在花园对面的露天阳台上,身边围满了守卫。
  It was to him that Bronn turned with a cursory salute. 波隆转身漫不经心地朝他做了个敬礼的动作。
  They await your command, Lady Lysa said to her lord son. 他们就等你命令了。莱莎夫人告诉她的公爵儿子。
  Fight! the boy screamed, his arms trembling as they clutched at his chair. 快打!男孩尖叫,两手紧握座椅扶手,不住地颤抖。
  Ser Vardis swiveled, bringing up his heavy shield. Bronn turned to face him.  瓦狄斯爵士立刻旋身,举起重盾。波隆也转过来面对他。
  Their swords rang together, once, twice, a testing. The sellsword backed off a step.  两人的长剑交锋一次,两次,彼此试探。
  The knight came after, holding his shield before him.  佣兵后退一步,骑士举盾在前追赶。
  He tried a slash, but Bronn jerked back, just out of reach, and the silver blade cut only air.  他挥出一剑,但波隆猛地后跳,
  Bronn circled to his right. Ser Vardis turned to follow, keeping his shield between them.  躲到攻击范围之外,银剑划过空气。波隆转向右边,瓦狄斯爵士跟过去,依然高举护盾。
  The knight pressed forward, placing each foot carefully on the uneven ground.  骑士向前逼近,一步一步、小心翼翼地踩在不平坦的地面上。
  The sellsword gave way, a faint smile playing over his lips.  佣兵嘴边挂着淡淡的微笑,不断后退。
  Ser Vardis attacked, slashing, but Bronn leapt away from him, hopping lightly over a low, moss-covered stone.  瓦狄斯爵士挥剑猛攻,可波隆跳得更快,轻盈地跃过一块长满青苔的低矮石头。
  Now the sellsword circled left, away from the shield, toward the knight's unprotected side.  然后佣兵往左边绕,远离盾牌,朝骑士没有保护的那方而去。
  Ser Vardis tried a hack at his legs, but he did not have the reach. Bronn danced farther to his left. Ser Vardis turned in place. 瓦狄斯爵士想砍他的腿,然而距离太远。波隆再往左跳,瓦狄斯爵士也跟着转身。