冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第593期:第二十七章 凯特琳(15)(在线收听

   The ringing clash of steel on steel jarred Catelyn back to the present.  刀剑的金属交击将凯特琳拉回现实。

  Ser Vardis was coming hard at Bronn, driving into him with shield and sword.  瓦狄斯爵士剑盾并用,攻势猛烈。
  The sellsword scrambled backward, checking each blow, stepping lithely over rock and root, his eyes never leaving his foe.  佣兵不断后退,挡下道道攻势,脚步轻灵地跳过石块与树根,眼睛却从未离开对手。
  He was quicker, Catelyn saw; the knight's silvered sword never came near to touching him, but his own ugly grey blade hacked a notch from Ser Vardis's shoulder plate. 凯特琳发现他的动作极其灵敏,骑士的银剑始终碰不到他,而他那把丑恶的灰剑却在瓦狄斯爵士的肩甲上划了一道。
  The brief flurry of fighting ended as swiftly as it had begun when Bronn sidestepped and slid behind the statue of the weeping woman.  突然,波隆溜到哭泣女人的雕像背后。
  Ser Vardis lunged at where he had been, striking a spark off the pale marble of Alyssa's thigh. 瓦狄斯爵士收势不及,一剑朝他刚才的位置挥去,阿莱莎的白色大理石腿上火花迸发,两人这场迅捷的过招才开始没多久,便就暂告段落。
  They're not fighting good, Mother, the Lord of the Eyrie complained. I want them to fight. 妈咪,他们打得不好看,鹰巢城主抱怨,我要看他们打真的。
  They will, sweet baby, his mother soothed him.  宝贝乖,他们马上就打给你看。
  The sellsword can't run all day. 他母亲安慰他,佣兵跑不了一整天的。
  Some of the lords on Lysa's terrace were making wry jests as they refilled their wine cups, but across the garden, Tyrion Lannister's mismatched eyes watched the champions dance as if there were nothing else in the world. 莱莎所在的阳台上,有些贵族一边对波隆冷嘲热讽,一边斟酒笑闹,然而在花园对面,提利昂-兰尼斯特那双大小不一的眼睛却全神贯注地看着两位决斗者你来我往,似乎身边一切都已消失。
  Bronn came out from behind the statue hard and fast, still moving left, aiming a two-handed cut at the knight's unshielded right side.  波隆倏地自雕像后窜出,依旧向左,双手擎剑朝骑士没有盾牌保护的那边猛砍。
  Ser Vardis blocked, but clumsily, and the sellsword's blade flashed upward at his head.  瓦狄斯爵士虽然挡下,但挡得很勉强。
  Metal rang, and a falcon's wing collapsed with a crunch.  佣兵的剑顺势往上一弹,朝对方的头部扑去。
  Ser Vardis took a half step back to brace himself, raised his shield.  瓦狄斯爵士后退半步,稳住身子,然后又举起盾牌。
  Oak chips flew as Bronn's sword hacked at the wooden wall.  只听铿锵一声,猎鹰的一只翅膀应声而断。
  The sellsword stepped left again, away from the shield, and caught Ser Vardis across the stomach, the razor edge of his blade leaving a bright gash when it bit into the knight's plate. 波隆的剑攻向这道木墙,砍得木屑四溅。佣兵再度向左,避开盾牌,一剑正中瓦狄斯爵士腹部,在骑士的铠甲上留下一道鲜明的裂口。