冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第594期:第二十七章 凯特琳(16)(在线收听

   Ser Vardis drove forward off his back foot, his own silver blade descending in a savage arc.  瓦狄斯爵士后脚一蹬,手中银剑凌空挥出一道凶猛的圆弧。

  Bronn slammed it aside and danced away.  波隆硬是把它拨开,然后跳出去。
  The knight crashed into the weeping woman, rocking her on her plinth.  骑士撞上哭泣的女人,震得她在基座上摇晃。
  Staggered, he stepped backward, his head turning this way and that as he searched for his foe.  他踉跄着退开,左顾右盼搜索对手,
  The slit visor of his helm narrowed his vision. 面罩上的细缝限制了他的视线。
  Behind you, ser! Lord Hunter shouted, too late.  爵士先生,在你后面!杭特伯爵大喝,可惜为时已晚。
  Bronn brought his sword down with both hands, catching Ser Vardis in the elbow of his sword arm.  波隆双手举剑,狠狠往下一斩,正中瓦狄斯爵士的右手肘。
  The thin lobstered metal that protected the joint crunched.  保护关节的细薄圆碟响声大作。
  The knight grunted, turning, wrenching his weapon up.  骑士闷哼着转身,托起长剑。
  This time Bronn stood his ground.  这回波隆守在原地,
  The swords flew at each other, and their steel song filled the garden and rang off the white towers of the Eyrie. 两人你来我往,刀剑交织出的金属歌声响彻花园,回荡在鹰巢城的七座白塔之间。
  Ser Vardis is hurt, Ser Rodrik said, his voice grave. 瓦狄斯爵士受伤了。罗德利克爵士语气沉重地说。
  Catelyn did not need to be told; she had eyes, she could see the bright finger of blood running along the knight's forearm, the wetness inside the elbow joint.  不需他说,凯特琳也看得见鲜血正如无数手指,从他前臂缓缓流下,她还看得见他手肘关节的黏湿。
  Every parry was a little slower and a little lower than the one before.  他的每记挡格越来越慢,越来越低。
  Ser Vardis turned his side to his foe, trying to use his shield to block instead, but Bronn slid around him, quick as a cat.  瓦狄斯爵士侧身面对敌人,想用盾牌抵挡攻势,然而波隆也跟着侧移,行动灵敏如猫。
  The sellsword seemed to be getting stronger.  而今,佣兵似乎愈发强壮,
  His cuts were leaving their marks now.  他的挥砍陆续留下痕迹。
  Deep shiny gashes gleamed all over the knight's armor, on his right thigh, his beaked visor, crossing on his breastplate, a long one along the front of his gorget.  骑士的铠甲、右腿、喙状面罩和护胸,甚至颈甲都印上了深陷的闪亮凹痕。
  The moon-and-falcon rondel over Ser Vardis's right arm was sheared clean in half, hanging by its strap.  瓦狄斯爵士右臂的新月猎鹰圆碟被砍成两截,挂在皮带上。
  They could hear his labored breath, rattling through the air holes in his visor. 他们可以听见从他面罩里传出的沉重呼吸。