冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第596期:第二十七章 凯特琳(18)(在线收听

  Silence hung over the Eyrie. Bronn yanked off his halfhelm and let it fall to the grass.  一阵死寂笼罩着鹰巢城。波隆拔掉半罩头盔,扔在草坪上。

  His lip was smashed and bloody where the shield had caught him, and his coal-black hair was soaked with sweat. He spit out a broken tooth. 刚才被盾牌撞到的嘴唇,此刻正流着血,炭黑色的头发也被汗水完全浸湿。他吐出一颗打落的牙齿。

  Is it over, Mother? the Lord of the Eyrie asked. 妈咪,结束了吗?鹰巢城公爵问。

  No, Catelyn wanted to tell him, it's only now beginning. 不,凯特琳想告诉他,一切才刚刚开始。

  Yes, Lysa said glumly, her voice as cold and dead as the captain of her guard. 是的。莱莎郁闷地说,声音一如她的侍卫队长那般冰冷而死寂。

  Can I make the little man fly now? 现在我可以让那个小坏蛋飞了吗?

  Across the garden, Tyrion Lannister got to his feet. Not this little man, he said.  花园的另一头,提利昂站起身。总之飞的不会是我这个小坏蛋,他说,

  This little man is going down in the turnip hoist, thank you very much. 这个小坏蛋打算跟萝卜一起搭篮子下山去,感谢您的关照。

  You presume...Lysa began. 你以为—莱莎开口。

  I presume that House Arryn remembers its own words, the Imp said. As High as Honor. 我以为艾林家族还记得他们的族语,小恶魔道,高如荣誉。

  You promised I could make him fly, the Lord of the Eyrie screamed at his mother. He began to shake. 你答应我可以让他飞的。鹰巢城公爵对他母亲尖叫,然后开始颤抖。

  Lady Lysa's face was flushed with fury.  莱莎夫人气得满脸通红。

  The gods have seen fit to proclaim him innocent, child.  孩子,天上诸神认为这人无辜,

  We have no choice but to free him. She lifted her voice. Guards.  除了放他走,我们别无选择。她提高音量,来人,

  Take my lord of Lannister and his creature here out of my sight. Escort them to the Bloody Gate and set them free.  把兰尼斯特家的大人和他…那只怪物给我带走。护送他们到血门,然后放他们自由。

  See that they have horses and supplies sufficient to reach the Trident, and make certain all their goods and weapons are returned to them. They shall need them on the high road. 要为他们准备足以维持到三叉戟河的马匹和粮食,同时务必归还他们一切行李和武器。他们走山路,想必会很需要这些装备。
