冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第598期:第二十七章 琼恩(2)(在线收听

  They will call you men of Night's Watch now, but you are bigger fools than the Mummer's Monkey here if you believe that.  从现在起,别人会称你们作守夜人,但如果你们信以为真,那就是天字第一号大笨蛋。

You are boys still, green and stinking of summer, and when the winter comes you will die like flies.  你们都还是乳臭未干的小毛头,身上都是夏天味道,等冬天一来,你们就会像苍蝇一样全部死得四脚朝天。

And with that, Ser Alliser Thorne took his leave of them. 说完艾里沙·索恩爵士便离开了。

The other boys gathered round the eight who had been named, laughing and cursing and offering congratulations.  其他男孩立即把八个被擢升的人团团围住,又笑又骂,连声道贺。

Halder smacked Toad on the butt with the flat of his sword and shouted, Toad, of the Night's Watch!  霍德用剑脊敲敲陶德的屁股,大喊:现在你可是守夜人癞蛤蟆啦!

Yelling that a black brother needed a horse, Pyp leapt onto Grenn's shoulders, and they tumbled to the ground, rolling and punching and hooting.  派普嚷着说要当黑衫军先得有坐骑,一跃跳上葛兰肩膀,两人同时扑倒,在地上翻滚打闹怪叫。

Dareon dashed inside the armory and returned with a skin of sour red.  戴利恩冲进武器库,回来时手中多了一袋劣等红酒。

As they passed the wine from hand to hand, grinning like fools, Jon noticed Samwell Tarly standing by himself beneath a bare dead tree in the corner of the yard. Jon offered him the skin.  正当他们轮流喝酒,像呆瓜似地傻笑时,琼恩注意到山姆威尔·塔利孤伶伶地站在广场角落一棵光秃秃的树下。琼恩把酒袋递过去。

A swallow of wine? 要不要来一口?

Sam shook his head. No thank you, Jon. 山姆摇摇头。不用了,琼恩,谢谢。

Are you well? 你还好吧?

Very well, truly, the fat boy lied. I am so happy for you all. His round face quivered as he forced a smile.  我很好,真的。胖男孩在撒谎,我真为你们高兴。他试图挤出一抹微笑,结果只有那张圆脸木然地晃动。

You will be First Ranger someday, just as your uncle was. 有朝一日你一定会当上首席游骑兵,像你叔叔从前那样。
