冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第600期:第二十七章 琼恩(4)(在线收听

   Toad made a face. I hope not. I'm sick of looking at those ears of yours. 陶德扮了个鬼脸。希望不会,我受够了你那双丑耳朵。

  Ho, said Pyp. Listen to the crow call the raven black.  哟,派普说,天下乌鸦还不是一般黑。
  You're certain to be a ranger, Toad.  癞蛤蟆,我看你游骑兵是当定了,
  They'll want you as far from the castle as they can.  因为他们会把你派得离城堡越远越好。
  If Mance Rayder attacks, lift your visor and show your face, and he'll run off screaming. 若是曼斯·雷德打来,只需掀开面罩,叫他们瞧瞧你那张脸,保管他们落荒而逃啊。
  Everyone laughed but Grenn. I hope I'm a ranger. 除了葛兰,大家哄堂而笑。我真心希望自己能当游骑兵呢。
  You and everyone else, said Matthar. Every man who wore the black walked the Wall, and every man was expected to take up steel in its defense, but the rangers were the true fighting heart of the Night's Watch.  我们不都一样。梅沙道。黑衫军的每一位成员都有防守长城之责,若是敌人来袭,人人都必须举剑迎敌,然而游骑兵才是守夜人部队中真正的战斗主力。
  It was they who dared ride beyond the Wall, sweeping through the haunted forest and the icy mountain heights west of the Shadow Tower, fighting wildlings and giants and monstrous snow bears. 只有他们会骑马北出长城,扫荡影子塔以西鬼影幢幢的森林和冰雪覆盖的崇山峻岭,与野人、巨人和怪物般的雪熊作战。
  Not everyone, said Halder. It's the builders for me.  那可不一定,霍德说,我就想当工匠。
  What use would rangers be if the Wall fell down? 若是长城垮了,游骑兵还有什么用呢?
  The order of builders provided the masons and carpenters to repair keeps and towers, the miners to dig tunnels and crush stone for roads and footpaths, the woodsmen to clear away new growth wherever the forest pressed too close to the Wall.  工匠群体包括负责维修堡垒和塔楼的石匠和木匠;负责挖掘隧道,敲碎石头铺路的矿工;负责砍伐靠近长城的树林的樵夫。
  Once, it was said, they had quarried immense blocks of ice from frozen lakes deep in the haunted forest, dragging them south on sledges so the Wall might be raised ever higher.  据说多年以前,工匠们从鬼影森林中的冰湖运来巨大冰块,用雪橇南运,以将长城砌高。
  Those days were centuries gone, however; now, it was all they could do to ride the Wall from Eastwatch to the Shadow Tower, watching for cracks or signs of melt and making what repairs they could. 然而距离那样的年代,已经过了好几百年,如今他们所能做的,便只是沿着城墙,从东海望走到影子塔,修补沿途的裂缝,注意融化的迹象。