旅游英语口语就该这么说:第215期 爱好 集邮(在线收听

   Is stamp collecting your hobby? 集邮是你的爱好吗?

  Yes, I've got over four hundred stamps. Come and have a look. 是的,我有400多张邮票。过来看看。
  Are these new ones? 这些是新的吗?
  Yes, I got them yesterday. I'm taking them off the envelope. 是的,我昨天弄到的。我正想把它们从信封上拿下来。
  What are you going to do with them then? 然后你会怎样处理它们?
  I'm going to mount them in my stamp album. 我会把它们放在集邮册中。
  Is stamp collecting an expensive hobby? 集邮是个费钱的爱好吗?
  It can be, if you buy rare stamps. 可能是,要是你买稀有邮票的话。