冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第601期:第二十七章 琼恩(5)(在线收听

   The Old Bear's no fool, Dareon observed.  熊老可不是笨蛋,戴利恩发表意见,

  You're certain to be a builder, and Jon's certain to be a ranger.  你一定会当上工匠,而琼恩也一定会当上游骑兵。
  He's the best sword and the best rider among us, and his uncle was the First before he... 咱们这群人里面他不仅剑使得最好,骑术也最棒,更何况他叔叔生前也是首…
  His voice trailed off awkwardly as he realized what he had almost said. 他想起自己提到了什么,不自在地住嘴。
  Benjen Stark is still First Ranger, Jon Snow told him, toying with his bowl of blueberries.  班扬·史塔克依旧是首席游骑兵。琼恩·雪诺一边把玩着手中那碗蓝莓,一边对他说。
  The rest might have given up all hope of his uncle's safe return, but not him.  别人或许对叔叔安然归来不抱期望,但他不会。
  He pushed away the berries, scarcely touched, and rose from the bench. 他推开几乎碰都没碰的蓝莓,起身离开长凳。
  Aren't you going to eat those? Toad asked. 这些你还要不要?陶德问。
  They're yours. Jon had hardly tasted Hobb's great feast.  都给你。事实上,连哈布精心烹调的晚餐,琼恩也几乎没动。
  I could not eat another bite. He took his cloak from its hook near the door and shouldered his way out. 我吃不下了。他从门边的挂勾上取下斗篷,穿了就准备出去。
  Pyp followed him. Jon, what is it? 派普跟上来。琼恩,怎么了?
  Sam, he admitted. He was not at table tonight. 是山姆,他承认,今晚他没上桌。
  It's not like him to miss a meal, Pyp said thoughtfully. Do you suppose he's taken ill? 这家伙可不像是会错过餐点的人,派普若有所思地说,你觉得他生病了?
  He's frightened. We're leaving him.  他在害怕。因为我们就要离开他了。
  He remembered the day he had left Winterfell, all the bittersweet farewells; Bran lying broken, Robb with snow in his hair, Arya raining kisses on him after he'd given her Needle.  他忆起自己离开临冬城当天,那些悲喜交加的道别。布兰支离破碎地躺在床上,罗柏发际还有雪花,艾莉亚则是得到缝衣针后疯狂地吻他。
  Once we say our words, we'll all have duties to attend to.  等我们宣过誓,就会有各自应尽的义务。
  Some of us may be sent away, to Eastwatch or the Shadow Tower.  有些人可能被派往远方,前往东海望或影子塔。