冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第602期:第二十七章 琼恩(6)(在线收听

   Jon had the logs crackling merrily by the time Chett led in Maester Aemon.  等齐特领着伊蒙师傅进来,琼恩已经生起一炉劈啪作响的柴火。

  The old man was clad in his bed robe, but around his throat was the chain collar of his order.  老人穿着睡袍,颈间依然挂着象征身份的锁链。
  A maester did not remove it even to sleep.  即便睡觉,学士也不能取下。
  The chair beside the fire would be pleasant, he said when he felt the warmth on his face. 我坐炉边那张椅子就好。他大概是察觉到暖意,便这么说。
  When he was settled comfortably, Chett covered his legs with a fur and went to stand by the door. 等他舒服地坐下,齐特拿了张毛皮帮他盖住双脚,然后走到门边站定。
  I am sorry to have woken you, Maester, Jon Snow said. 学士,这么晚还吵醒您,真是抱歉。琼恩·雪诺道。
  You did not wake me, Maester Aemon replied.  你并没有吵醒我,伊蒙师傅回答,
  I find I need less sleep as I grow older, and I am grown very old.  我发现年纪越大,睡眠的需求就越少,而我已经很老了。
  I often spend half the night with ghosts, remembering times fifty years past as if they were yesterday.  我时常大半夜与过去的鬼魂为伍,回忆起五十年前的往事,恍如昨日。
  The mystery of a midnight visitor is a welcome diversion.  因此三更半夜的神秘访客,也算件不错的事。
  So tell me, Jon Snow, why have you come calling at this strange hour? 那么告诉我,琼恩·雪诺,这时候跑来找我,究竟有什么事?
  To ask that Samwell Tarly be taken from training and accepted as a brother of the Night's Watch. 我想请您让山姆威尔·塔利结束训练,正式加入守夜人弟兄的行列。
  This is no concern of Maester Aemon, Chett complained. 那不干伊蒙学士的事。齐特抱怨。
  Our Lord Commander has given the training of recruits into the hands of Ser Alliser Thorne, the maester said gently.  总司令把训练新兵的事务交给艾里沙·索恩爵士负责,师傅温和地说,
  Only he may say when a boy is ready to swear his vow, as you surely know.  只有他才能决定某个孩子够不够格宣誓加入,这你想必也清楚。
  Why then come to me? 你为什么还来找我?