冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第603期:第二十七章 琼恩(7)(在线收听

   The Lord Commander listens to you, Jon told him. And the wounded and the sick of the Night's Watch are in your charge. 因为总司令会听从您的建议,琼恩告诉他,更何况守夜人弟兄若有病痛伤患,也都由您照料。

  And is your friend Samwell wounded or sick? 这么说来,你这位山姆威尔·塔利可有病痛伤患?
  He will be, Jon promised, unless you help. 他很快就会有,琼恩向他保证,除非您能伸出援手。
  He told them all of it, even the part where he'd set Ghost at Rast's throat. 他一五一十地把事情真相说出来,连放白灵去对付雷斯特的部分也没漏掉。
  Maester Aemon listened silently, blind eyes fixed on the fire, but Chett's face darkened with each word.  伊蒙师傅静静地倾听,盲昧的双眼朝向炉火,然而齐特的眼神却随着他说的每一个字越显阴沉。
  Without us to keep him safe, Sam will have no chance, Jon finished. He's hopeless with a sword.  没有我们保护,山姆绝对撑不下去。琼恩收了尾,他对舞刀弄剑一窍不通。
  My sister Arya could tear him apart, and she's not yet ten.  连我妹妹艾莉亚都能把他大卸八块,而她还不满十岁。
  If Ser Alliser makes him fight, it's only a matter of time before he's hurt or killed. 假如艾里沙爵士强迫他打斗,他早晚会受伤,甚至被杀。
  Chett could stand no more. I've seen this fat boy in the common hall, he said.  齐特听不下去了。我在大厅里见过这肥小子,他说,
  He is a pig, and a hopeless craven as well, if what you say is true. 他分明就是条猪,如果你说的是实话,那他还是个无可救药的胆小鬼。
  Maybe it is so, Maester Aemon said. Tell me, Chett, what would you have us do with such a boy? 或许真是如此,伊蒙师傅道,齐特,你倒是说说,我们该拿这孩子怎么办?
  Leave him where he is, Chett said. The Wall is no place for the weak. Let him train until he is ready, no matter how many years that takes.  别理他,齐特说,长城本来就不是软脚虾该来的地方。就让他继续受训,直到他够格为止,管他要训练多少年。
  Ser Alliser shall make a man of him or kill him, as the gods will. 老天有眼,艾里沙爵士要嘛把他变成个男人,不然就把他杀掉。
  That's stupid, Jon said. He took a deep breath to gather his thoughts.  这种作法太愚蠢了,琼恩道。他深吸一口气,稍稍整理思绪。
  I remember once I asked Maester Luwin why he wore a chain around his throat. 记得我曾听鲁温师傅解释过他为什么要始终戴着颈链。
  Maester Aemon touched his own collar lightly, his bony, wrinkled finger stroking the heavy metal links. Go on. 伊蒙师傅伸出骨瘦如柴,满是皱纹的手指轻抚着他沉重的项圈。继续说。