冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第604期:第二十七章 琼恩(8)(在线收听

 He told me that a maester's collar is made of chain to remind him that he is sworn to serve, Jon said, remembering.  他告诉我学士的颈链是用来提醒自己立下的誓言,琼恩边回忆边说,

I asked why each link was a different metal.  然后我追问他为什么每个环节都要用不同的金属,
A silver chain would look much finer with his grey robes, I said. Maester Luwin laughed.  我说如果换成银链,搭配他的灰袍一定更出彩。鲁温师傅笑着告诉我:
A maester forges his chain with study, he told me.  锁链乃是随着学士的知识渐长而逐一打造。
The different metals are each a different kind of learning, gold for the study of money and accounts, silver for healing, iron for warcraft.  不同的金属,代表不同领域的知识,黄金代表财务会计,白银象征救死扶伤,钢铁则是军事知识。
And he said there were other meanings as well.  他说除此之外,锁链还有别的意义。
The collar is supposed to remind a maester of the realm he serves, isn't that so?  戴着锁链,可以随时提醒学士所服务的王国,对不对?
Lords are gold and knights steel, but two links can't make a chain.  想想看,如果说贵族老爷是黄金,骑士是钢铁,但光这两个金属环无法连成一条锁链,
You also need silver and iron and lead, tin and copper and bronze and all the rest, and those are farmers and smiths and merchants and the like.  你还需要白银、铁和铅,锡、红铜和青铜,以及其他金属,他们象征着农夫、工匠等等各行各业的人。
A chain needs all sorts of metals, and a land needs all sorts of people. 一条锁链需要各种金属,正如一个国家需要形形色色的人。
Maester Aemon smiled. And so? 伊蒙师傅微笑道:所以呢?
The Night's Watch needs all sorts too.  守夜人也是如此,
Why else have rangers and stewards and builders?  不然干嘛区分游骑兵、事务官和工匠呢?
Lord Randyll couldn't make Sam a warrior, and Ser Alliser won't either.  蓝道大人无法把山姆训练成战士,艾里沙爵士也不会有办法。
You can't hammer tin into iron, no matter how hard you beat it, but that doesn't mean tin is useless.  无论你多用力,也不能把锡打成铁,但这不代表锡就没用。
Why shouldn't Sam be a steward? 为什么不让山姆当个事务官呢?
Chett gave an angry scowl. I'm a steward. You think it's easy work, fit for cowards?  齐特愤怒地绷着脸道:我自己就是个事务官,你以为这是轻松差事,可以随便拿给胆小鬼做?
The order of stewards keeps the Watch alive.  守夜人日子过得下去,
We hunt and farm, tend the horses, milk the cows, gather firewood, cook the meals.  全靠我们事务官打猎种田、养马养牛,还有捡柴烧饭。
Who do you think makes your clothing? Who brings up supplies from the south? The stewards. 你以为你穿的衣服是谁缝的?补给品又是谁从南方运来的?告诉你,通通是事务官。