冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第605期:第二十七章 琼恩(9)(在线收听

   Maester Aemon was gentler. Is your friend a hunter? 伊蒙师傅的反应比较温和。你这位朋友打猎技术如何?

  He hates hunting, Jon had to admit. 他痛恨打猎。琼恩不得不承认。
  Can he plow a field? the maester asked.  那他会犁田吗?
  Can he drive a wagon or sail a ship? Could he butcher a cow?No. 学士问:他能驾车开船吗?会不会杀牛呢?都不会。
  Chett gave a nasty laugh. I've seen what happens to soft lordlings when they're put to work.  齐特阴险地笑道:我见过像他这种软弱的小少爷被派去做事时是什么德行。
  Set them to churning butter and their hands blister and bleed.  叫他们搅个奶油,就弄得皮破血流。
  Give them an axe to split logs, and they cut off their own foot. 叫他们拿斧头劈柴,就把自己的脚给砍了。
  I know one thing Sam could do better than anyone. 我知道有件事山姆做得比谁都好。
  Yes? Maester Aemon prompted. 是什么?伊蒙学士提问。
  Jon glanced warily at Chett, standing beside the door, his boils red and angry.  琼恩警觉地看看站在门边,面疮发红,满脸怒意的齐特。
  He could help you, he said quickly.  他可以帮您的忙,他很快地说,
  He can do sums, and he knows how to read and write.  他懂算术,也会读书写字。我知道齐特不识字,
  I know Chett can't read, and Clydas has weak eyes.  克莱达斯眼睛又不好。
  Sam read every book in his father's library.  山姆把他父亲的藏书都读遍了。
  He'd be good with the ravens too.  他跟乌鸦应该会处得来,
  Animals seem to like him. Ghost took to him straight off.  动物似乎都很喜欢他,白灵一见他就对他很有好感。
  There's a lot he could do, besides fighting.  除了打架,他能做的事很多。
  The Night's Watch needs every man.  守夜人军团需要每一种人,
  Why kill one, to no end? Make use of him instead. 何苦不为什么就杀掉一个呢?不如知人善任。
  Maester Aemon closed his eyes, and for a brief moment Jon was afraid that he had gone to sleep.  伊蒙学士闭上眼睛,琼恩一时还担心他睡着,
  Finally he said, Maester Luwin taught you well, Jon Snow.  但最后他开了口:琼恩·雪诺,鲁温学士把你调教得很好。
  Your mind is as deft as your blade, it would seem. 看来你的心思和你的剑一样灵敏。