冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第606期:第二十八章 提利昂(1)(在线收听

   "Does that mean?" “您的意思是……?”

  "It means I shall think on what you have said," the maester told him firmly. “我会仔细想想你的话,”学士语气坚定地告诉他,
  "And now, I believe I am ready to sleep. “现在嘛,我准备睡了。
  Chett, show our young brother to the door." 齐特,送这位年轻弟兄出去。”
  Tyrion. They had taken shelter beneath a copse of aspens just off the high road. 提利昂.他们在紧邻山路的山杨树丛下稍事休息。
  Tyrion was gathering deadwood while their horses took water from a mountain stream. 提利昂捡拾枯枝,马匹则啜饮山泉。
  He stooped to pick up a splintered branch and examined it critically. 他俯身拿起一根断裂的枝干仔细审视。
  "Will this do? I am not practiced at starting fires. “这个行吗?我对生火这事儿不在行,
  Morrec did that for me." 以前都是莫里斯帮我弄的。”
  “A fire?” Bronn said, spitting. “生火?”波隆啐了口唾沫,
  “Are you so hungry to die, dwarf? “侏儒,你急着找死不成?
  Or have you taken leave of your senses? 还是你走得连理智都没啦?
  A fire will bring the clansmen down on us from miles around. 生火会把方圆好几里的原住民通通吸引过来。
  I mean to survive this journey, Lannister.” 兰尼斯特,我还想活着走完这趟路呢。”
  "And how do you hope to do that?"Tyrion asked. “那你倒是打算怎么办?”提利昂问。
  He tucked the branch under his arm 他把树枝夹在腋下,
  and poked around through the sparse undergrowth, looking for more. 继续在稀疏的灌木丛中翻找。
  His back ached from the effort of bending;they had been riding since daybreak, 从那时起,他俩便快马加鞭地赶路,直到现在还没歇息,害得他腰酸背痛。
  when a stone-faced Ser Lyn Corbray had ushered them through the Bloody Gate 天刚亮,林恩·科布瑞爵士便铁青着脸把他们送出血门,
  and commanded them never to return. 并明令禁止他们再度出现,
  "We have no chance of fighting our way back," Bronn said, “靠蛮干杀出重围是别想了,”波隆道,
  "but two can cover more ground than ten, and attract less notice. “但两个人轻装便行,总比大批人马速度快,也较不会引人注意。
  The fewer days we spend in these mountains, the more like we are to reach the riverlands. 我们在山里停留的时间越短,就越有机会安全抵达河间地带。
  Ride hard and fast, I say. 所以我说咱们应该加紧赶路,
  Travel by night and hole up by day, avoid the road where we can, 白天躲藏,夜间行动,道路能避就避,
  make no noise and light no fires." 不要发出噪音,更不要生火。”
  Tyrion Lannister sighed. "A splendid plan, Bronn. 提利昂·兰尼斯特叹道:“波隆,这计划真是好极了。
  Try it, as you like...and forgive me if I do not linger to bury you." 那你就自己去试试罢……到时候可别怪我没停下来帮你挖坟。”