冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第607期:第二十八章 提利昂(2)(在线收听

   "You think to outlive me, dwarf?" “你这侏儒想活得比我久?”

  The sellsword grinned. 佣兵嘿嘿笑道。
  He had a dark gap in his smile where the edge of Ser Vardis Egen's shield had cracked a tooth in half. 他的笑容有个缺口,正是瓦狄斯·伊根爵士的盾牌撞掉他一颗牙齿的地方。
  Tyrion shrugged. "Riding hard and fast by night is a sure way to tumble down a mountainand crack your skull. 提利昂耸耸肩。“你要在夜间加紧赶路,这简直就是想摔破脑袋。
  I prefer to make my crossing slow and easy. 我宁可慢慢走,舒舒服服地走。
  I know you love the taste of horse, Bronn, but if our mounts die under us this time, 波隆,我知道你爱吃马肉,但这回要是我的马死了,
  we’ll be trying to saddle shadowcats...and if truth be told, 咱俩就只剩影子山猫可骑了……老实说,
  I think the clans will find us no matter what we do. 我认为不管我们怎么做,原住民都会找上我们。
  Their eyes are all around us." 这里四处都是他们的眼线。”
  He swept a gloved hand over the high, wind-carved crags that surrounded them. 他伸出戴了手套的手,朝周围风蚀的高耸峭壁挥挥。
  Bronn grimaced. "Then we're dead men, Lannister." 波隆皱眉道:“兰尼斯特,那我们就跟死人没两样了。”
  "If so, I prefer to die comfortable," Tyrion replied. "We need a fire. “真那样的话,我也宁愿死得舒服点。”提利昂回答,“我们需要生个火,
  The nights are cold up here, and hot food will warm our bellies and lift our spirits. 这里入夜之后冷死人,热腾腾的食物不仅可以温暖咱们的肚皮,还可以提振精神。
  Do you suppose there’s any game to be had? 你觉得这附近能打到什么野味?
  Lady Lysa has kindly provided us with a veritable feast of salt beef, hard cheese, and stale bread, 莱莎夫人好心地给我们准备了丰盛的咸牛肉、硬乳酪和干面包大餐,
  but I would hate to break a tooth so far from the nearest maester." 但我实在不想在这里咬断牙齿,你知道,要找学士还有得走咧。”
  "I can find meat." “我能弄到肉,”
  Beneath a fall of black hair, Bronn's dark eyes regarded Tyrion suspiciously. 一绺黑发之下,波隆的黑眼睛狐疑地打量着提利昂。
  "I should leave you here with your fool's fire. “但我首先应该把你和这堆笨柴火丢在这里,
  If I took your horse, I'd have twice the chance to make it through. 如果我把你的马也带走,那我逃脱的机会就会加倍。
  What would you do then, dwarf?" 到时候你会怎么做呢,侏儒先生?”
  "Die, most like." Tyrion stooped to get another stick. “八成是死啰。”提利昂弯腰捡起另一根木棍。
  "You don't think I'd do it?" “你觉得我不会这么做?”
  "You'd do it in an instant, if it meant your life. “如果攸关性命,你会毫不犹豫这么做。
  You were quick enough to silence your friend Chiggen when he caught that arrow in his belly." 当初你朋友契根肚子中箭,你不就动作飞快,一刀把他宰了?”
  Bronn had yanked back the man's head by the hair 当时波隆抓住他的头发往后一扯,
  and driven the point of his dirk in under the ear, 匕首从他耳朵贯穿而进,
  and afterward told Catelyn Stark that the other sellsword had died of his wound. 事后他却对凯特琳·史塔克说他的佣兵同伴死于箭伤。