冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第610期:第二十八章 提利昂(5)(在线收听

   "Nor any man’s friend," Tyrion said. “你也不当别人的朋友,”提利昂道,

  "I’ve no doubt you’d betray me as quick as you did Lady Stark, if you saw a profit in it. “我很清楚一旦有利可图,你会义无返顾地背叛我,就跟你背叛史塔克夫人一样。
  If the day ever comes when you’re tempted to sell me out, remember this, Bronn, 波隆,要是哪天真有人引诱你出卖我,请你记住——
  I’ll match their price, whatever it is. I like living. 不管对方出价多少,我都付得起。说穿了,就是我很爱惜我这条命。
  And now, do you think you could do something about finding us some supper?" 好啦,那你现在到底能不能帮咱们弄点好吃的?”
  "Take care of the horses," Bronn said, unsheathing the long dirk he wore at his hip. “你把马照顾好。”波隆说着解开系在身后的猎刀,
  He strode into the trees. 大步走进树林。
  An hour later the horses had been rubbed down and fed, the fire was crackling away merrily, 一个小时后,马匹已经刷洗喂饱,营火也烧得劈啪作响,
  and a haunch of a young goat was turning above the flames, spitting and hissing. 火上的烤架正转着一只小山羊,滴下油汁,香气四溢。
  "All we lack now is some good wine to wash down our kid," Tyrion said. “现在只差一瓶好酒配着下肚啦。”提利昂说。
  "That, a woman, and another dozen swords," Bronn said. “还要来个女人,最好再多十来个士兵保护我们。”波隆道。
  He sat cross-legged beside the fire, honing the edge of his longsword with an oilstone. 他两脚盘坐在火边,正拿油石磨长剑。
  There was something strangely reassuring about the rasping sound it made when he drew it down the steel. 石头和金属摩擦所发出的刺耳声响有种怪异的安全感。
  "It will be full dark soon," the sellsword pointed out.  “很快天就要全黑,”佣兵表示,
  "I’ll take first watch... for all the good it will do us. “第一班我来值……虽然没什么用,
  It might be kinder to let them kill us in our sleep." 好歹待会儿我可以死在睡梦中。”
  "Oh, I imagine they’ll be here long before it comes to sleep." “喔,我看用不着等到睡着,他们就会过来了。”
  The smell of the roasting meat made Tyrion’s mouth water. 闻着烤肉的香气,提利昂不禁口水直流。
  Bronn watched him across the fire. 波隆隔着营火盯着他。
  "You have a plan," he said flatly, with a scrape of steel on stone. “你有打算。”他平板地说,石头又磨了剑一下。
  "A hope, call it," Tyrion said. "Another toss of the dice." “不妨说有一丝希望罢,”提利昂道,“又到孤注一掷的时候了。”
  "With our lives as the stake?" “你拿咱俩的性命当赌注?”
  Tyrion shrugged. "What choice do we have?" 提利昂耸耸肩。“难道有别的选择?”
  He leaned over the fire and sawed a thin slice of meat from the kid. 他伸手从火上割下一小片羊肉。
  "Ahhhh," he sighed happily as he chewed. “啊。”他一边咀嚼,一边开心地感叹。
  Grease ran down his chin. 油汁从他两颊滴下。
  "A bit tougher than I’d like, and in want of spicing, but I’ll not complain too loudly. “虽然有点硬,又没有酱料,但我还是不抱怨的好。
  If I were back at the Eyrie, I’d be dancing on a precipice in hopes of a boiled bean." 之前在鹰巢城,我在断崖边跳来跳去,连一粒煮豆子都吃不到哩。”