冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第615期:第二十八章 提利昂(10)(在线收听

   "Tyrion." Bronn's warning was low and urgent. “提利昂。”波隆的警告低沉而急促。

  Tyrion was awake in the blink of an eye. 提利昂立时清醒。
  The fire had burned down to embers, and the shadows were creeping in all around them. 营火仅剩余烬,人影正从四面八方朝他们进逼。
  Bronn had raised himself to one knee, his sword in one hand and his dirk in the other. 波隆单膝起立,一手持剑一手握着匕首。
  Tyrion held up a hand: stay still, it said. 提利昂捉住佣兵的手:安静,别轻举妄动。
  "Come share our fire, the night is cold," he called out to the creeping shadows. “今晚夜风寒冷,诸位何妨过来一起烤烤火?”他对周围鬼鬼崇祟的人影喊,
  "I fear we've no wine to offer you, but you're welcome to some of our goat." “虽然我们无酒可以招待,但欢迎各位前来品尝羊肉。”
  All movement stopped. Tyrion saw the glint of moonlight on metal. 所有的动作都停了下来。就着月色,提利昂瞥见金属反射的光泽。
  "Our mountain," a voice called out from the trees, deep and hard and unfriendly. "Our goat." “山是我们的,”树丛里传来一个低沉、坚毅而不友善的声音。“羊肉也是我们的。”
  "Your goat," Tyrion agreed. "Who are you?" “羊肉是你们的没错,”提利昂附和:“你是谁?”
  "When you meet your gods," a different voice replied, “当你升天去见你的神的时候,”另一个声音回答,
  "say it was Gunthor son of Gurn of the Stone Crows who sent you to them." “告诉他送你上天的是石鸦部的冈恩之子冈梭尔。
  A branch cracked underfoot as he stepped into the light; ”他踏开树丛,走进光线范围内。
  a thin man in a horned helmet, armed with a long knife. 来人个子很瘦,带着个牛角盔,手里握着猎刀。
  "And Shagga son of Dolf." “还有多夫之子夏嘎。
  That was the first voice, deep and deadly. ”这是头一个声音,低沉而致命。
  A boulder shifted to their left, and stood, and became a man. 只见一块巨石朝他们左边挪动,然后立起身,变成了人。
  Massive and slow and strong he seemed, dressed all in skins, with a club in his right hand and an axe in his left. 他的身躯魁梧强壮,看似动作迟缓,全身穿着兽皮,右手拿了根木棍,左手则握着一柄斧头。
  He smashed them together as he lumbered closer. 他脚步笨重地朝他们走来,边走边猛力把两样武器对撞了一下。
  Other voices called other names, Conn and Torrek and Jaggot and more that Tyrion forgot the instant he heard them; ten at least. 其他的声音跟着喊出名字,有康恩、托瑞克、贾戈特,还有些名字提利昂记不完全,但对方一共有十人以上。
  A few had swords and knives; others brandished pitchforks and scythes and wooden spears. 有些拿了刀剑,其他人则挥舞着干草叉、镰刀和树木削的长矛。
  He waited until they were done shouting out their names before he gave them answer.  他直等他们通通报完姓名之后方才回答:
  "I am Tyrion son of Tywin, of the Clan Lannister, the Lions of the Rock. “我是兰尼斯特部落的泰温之子提利昂,他是住在凯岩城的狮子酋长。
  We will gladly pay you for the goat we ate." 我们很乐意支付吃羊肉的赔偿。”