冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第617期:第二十八章 提利昂(12)(在线收听

   "The gold of a lowland lord is as worthless as a halfman's promises," Gunthor said. “低地领主的金子跟半人说的话一样不值钱。”冈梭尔道。

  "Half a man I may be," Tyrion said, "yet I have the courage to face my enemies. “我虽然只是半个人,”提利昂说,“却有勇气面对敌人。
  What do the Stone Crows do, but hide behind rocks and shiver with fear as the knights of the Vale ride by?" 石鸦部呢?等峡谷骑士来了,你们还不是只敢躲在石头后面,害怕得发抖?”
  Shagga gave a roar of anger and clashed club against axe. 夏嘎怒吼一声,将手中的棍棒和斧头再度撞击。
  Jaggot poked at Tyrion's face with the fire-hardened point of a long wooden spear. 贾戈特用他那根前端淬过火的木矛戳了戳提利昂的脸。
  He did his best not to flinch.  他极尽所能不畏缩。
  "Are these the best weapons you could steal?" he said. “你们就只偷得到这种货色?”他说,
  "Good enough for killing sheep, perhaps...if the sheep do not fight back. “杀羊或许可以……还得那羊乖乖认命让你们杀。
  My father's smiths shit better steel." 我老爸的铁匠拉出的屎都比这高级。”
  "Little boyman," Shagga roared, "will you mock my axe after I chop off your manhood and feed it to the goats?" “臭小子,”夏嘎吼道,“等我把你的命根子剁下来喂山羊,瞧你还敢嘲笑我的斧头?”
  But Gunthor raised a hand. "No. I would hear his words.  然而冈梭尔举起手。“不,我要听听他怎么说。
  The mothers go hungry, and steel fills more mouths than gold. 孩子的妈现在都在挨饿,有了家伙比拿金子更有用。
  What would you give us for your lives, Tyrion son of Tywin? Swords? Lances? Mail?" 泰温之子提利昂,你要拿什么来换你的命?剑?长枪?还是盔甲?”
  "All that, and more, Gunthor son of Gurn," Tyrion Lannister replied, smiling. “冈恩之子冈梭尔,这些都不成问题,我给你的远不止于此,”提利昂·兰尼斯特微笑着回答,
  "I will give you the Vale of Arryn." “我会把整个艾林谷都送给你。”