冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第618期:第二十九章 艾德(1)(在线收听

   Eddard. Through the high narrow windows of the Red Keep's cavernous throne room, 艾德。透过红堡深广王座厅的狭窄高窗,

  the light of sunset spilled across the floor, laying dark red stripes upon the walls where the heads of dragons had once hung. 夕阳余晖遍洒地面,为墙壁挂上暗红色的条纹。
  Now the stone was covered with hunting tapestries, vivid with greens and browns and blues, 龙头曾经高悬于此,如今石墙虽已为青绿和棕褐相衬、栩栩如生地描绘狩猎情景的挂毯织锦所覆盖,
  and yet still it seemed to Ned Stark that the only color in the hall was the red of blood. 但在奈德眼中,整个大厅依旧浸润在一片血红之中。
  He sat high upon the immense ancient seat of Aegon the Conqueror, 他高高坐在“征服者”伊耿宽大而古老的座位上,
  an ironwork monstrosity of spikes and jagged edges and grotesquely twisted metal. 那是张钢铁铸成,满是狰狞尖刺利角和诡异扭曲金属的椅子。
  It was, as Robert had warned him, a hellishly uncomfortable chair, 它正如劳勃所警告的那般,是张天杀的不舒服的椅子,
  and never more so than now, with his shattered leg throbbing more sharply every minute. 眼下他的断腿不住抽痛,这种感觉更是无以复加。
  The metal beneath him had grown harder by the hour, and the fanged steel behind made it impossible to lean back. 他身子底下的金属每一小时都越显坚硬,布满利齿般尖刺的椅背,更教他无法倚靠。
  A king should never sit easy, Aegon the Conqueror had said,when he commanded his armorers to forge a great seat from the swords laid down by his enemies. 当年征服者伊耿命令手下铁匠使用敌人投降时的弃械,镕铸成一张大椅时,曾说:“作国王的不能舒舒服服地坐着”。
  Damn Aegon for his arrogance, Ned thought sullenly, and damn Robert and his hunting as well. 伊耿这傲慢的家伙该死,奈德阴沉地想,劳勃和他的打猎游戏也该死。
  "You are quite certain these were more than brigands?"  “你能确定他们不是土匪毛贼?”
  Varys asked softly from the council table beneath the throne. 坐在王座下方议事桌边的瓦里斯轻声问。