冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第620期:第二十九章 艾德(3)(在线收听

   The west had been a tinderbox since Catelyn had seized Tyrion Lannister. 这也不是什么新鲜事,自凯特琳逮捕提利昂·兰尼斯特之后,

  Both Riverrun and Casterly Rock had called their banners, and armies were massing in the pass below the Golden Tooth. 西境便宛如一座柴火库。奔流城与凯岩城均已召集封臣,此刻两军正向金牙城下的山口聚集。
  It had only been a matter of time until the blood began to flow. 爆发流血冲突是迟早的事。
  The sole question that remained was how best to stanch the wound. 现在惟一的问题是如何能将伤害减到最小。
  Sad-eyed Ser Karyl Vance, who would have been handsome but for the winestain birthmark that discolored his face, gestured at the kneeling villagers. 满眼忧伤,若非脸上酒红色的胎记,本来还算英俊的卡列尔·凡斯爵士指着跪在地上的村民说:
  "This is all the remains of the holdfast of Sherrer, Lord Eddard. “艾德大人,榭尔全村就只剩这些人,
  The rest are dead, along with the people of Wendish Town and the Mummer’s Ford." 其他的都和温德镇、戏子滩的居民一样,通通死光了。”
  "Rise," Ned commanded the villagers. “起来,”奈德命令村民们。
  He never trusted what a man told him from his knees. "All of you, up." 他向来不相信一个人跪着的时候所说的话。“你们通通都起来。”
  In ones and twos, the holdfast of Sherrer struggled to its feet. 榭尔的居民听了纷纷挣扎着起身。
  One ancient needed to be helped, and a young girl in a bloody dress stayed on her knees, staring blankly at Ser Arys Oakheart, 一位老者要靠人搀扶才能站起,另一个穿着血衣的女孩则维持跪姿,怔怔地望着亚历斯·奥克赫特爵士。
  who stood by the foot of the throne in the white armor of the Kingsguard, ready to protect and defend the king...or, Ned supposed, the King’s Hand. 他身穿御林铁卫的白袍白甲,站在王座下方,随时准备誓死保卫国王……或者,奈德猜测,保卫国王的首相。
  "Joss," Ser Raymun Darry said to a plump balding man in a brewer’s apron. “乔斯,”雷蒙·戴瑞爵士对一位穿着酿酒师傅围裙的光头胖子说,
  "Tell the Hand what happened at Sherrer." “快跟首相大人说榭尔发生了什么事。”
  Joss nodded. "If it please His Grace..." 乔斯点点头。“启禀国王陛下——”