冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第621期:第二十九章 艾德(4)(在线收听

   "His Grace is hunting across the Blackwater," “国王陛下他正在黑水湾对岸打猎,”

  Ned said, wondering how a man could live his whole life a few days ride from the Red Keep and still have no notion what his king looked like. 奈德一边说,一边自忖一个人有没有可能终生居住在距红堡仅几日骑程的地方,却仍旧对国王的相貌一无所知。
  Ned was clad in a white linen doublet with the direwolf of Stark on the breast; 奈德穿着白色的亚麻外衣,胸前绣有史塔克家族的冰原狼纹章,
  his black wool cloak was fastened at the collar by his silver hand of office. 黑羊毛披风用象征职位的银手徽章别在颈边。
  Black and white and grey, all the shades of truth. 黑白灰三色,正是真理的三种可能。
  "I am Lord Eddard Stark, the King’s Hand. “我是国王之手,即御前首相艾德·史塔克公爵。
  Tell me who you are and what you know of these raiders." 告诉我你是谁,以及你对这些强盗所知的一切。”
  "I keep...I kept...I kept an alehouse, m’lord, in Sherrer, by the stone bridge. “俺开了……以前俺开了……以前俺开了家酒馆,大人,在榭尔,就在石桥旁边。
  The finest ale south of the Neck, everyone said so, begging your pardons, m’lord. 大家都说俺酿的麦酒是颈泽以南最好的,大人,请您见谅。
  It’s gone now like all the rest, m’lord. 可是大人,现在全都没了。
  They come and drank their fill and spilled the rest before they fired my roof, 他们进来喝饱以后又把剩下的倒掉,然后放火烧了房子,
  and they would of spilled my blood too, if they’d caught me. M’lord." 本来啊,大人,本来他们还打算要俺命,可他们没逮着。”
  "They burnt us out," a farmer beside him said. “他们放火把咱逼走,”他旁边的一个农夫说,
  "Come riding in the dark, up from the south, and fired the fields and the houses alike, killing them as tried to stop them. “大半夜里从南方来,把田啊房子啊通通给烧了,谁要是敢上前阻拦就没命。
  They weren’t no raiders, though, m’lord. 可是大人,他们不是强盗,
  They had no mind to steal our stock, not these, they butchered my milk cow where she stood and left her for the flies and the crows." 因为他们根本不是来抢东西,他们把我的乳牛宰了之后,把尸体丢在那儿喂苍蝇和乌鸦。”
  "They rode down my ’prentice boy," said a squat man with a smith’s muscles and a bandage around his head. “他们还把我徒弟活活踩死,”一个有着铁匠的肌肉,头上包了绷带的矮胖男子说。