冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第622期:第二十九章 艾德(5)(在线收听

   He had put on his finest clothes to come to court, but his breeches were patched, his cloak travel-stained and dusty. 看得出他特别换上最好的衣服上朝,但那条裤子却布满补丁,斗篷也是风尘仆仆。

  "Chased him back and forth across the fields on their horses, poking at him with their lances like it was a game, “他们骑在马上哈哈大笑,追着他跑来跑去,还拿枪戳他,当成是在玩游戏。
  them laughing and the boy stumbling and screaming till the big one pierced him clean through." 那孩子就这样跑啊,惨叫个不停,最后摔倒在地,被块头最大那家伙一枪刺死。”
  The girl on her knees craned her head up at Ned, high above her on the throne. 跪在地上的女孩伸长脖子抬头看着高高在上的奈德。
  "They killed my mother too, Your Grace. “陛下,他们还杀了我娘。
  And they...they..." Her voice trailed off, as if she had forgotten what she was about to say. She began to sob. 然后他们……他们……”她的话音渐弱,仿佛忘了原本要说些什么,自顾自地啼哭了起来。
  Ser Raymun Darry took up the tale. 雷蒙·戴瑞爵士接过话茬:
  "At Wendish Town, the people sought shelter in their holdfast, but the walls were timbered. “温德镇的居民躲进庄园,可房子乃是木制,
  The raiders piled straw against the wood and burnt them all alive. 入侵者便将其铺上稻草,把他们活活烧死在里面。
  When the Wendish folk opened their gates to flee the fire, they shot them down with arrows as they came running out, even women with suckling babes." 有些人开门冲出火场逃走,他们便用弓箭射杀,连怀抱奶娃的女人也不放过。”
  "Oh, dreadful," murmured Varys. "How cruel can men be?" “哎哟,真是可怕,”瓦里斯喃喃道,“怎么会有人如此残忍呢?”
  "They would of done the same for us, but the Sherrer holdfast’s made of stone," Joss said. “他们本来也要这么对付俺们,幸好榭尔的庄园是石头做的,”乔斯道,
  "Some wanted to smoke us out, but the big one said there was riper fruit upriver, and they made for the Mummer’s Ford." “有人想用烟把俺们薰出来,可那大块头说河上游比较有收获,就奔戏子滩去了。”
  Ned could feel cold steel against his fingers as he leaned forward. 奈德身体前倾,手指触碰到冰冷的金属。
  Between each finger was a blade, the points of twisted swords fanning out like talons from arms of the throne. 他每根指头间都是一柄刀刃,尖端是弯曲的利剑,有如爪子般从王座的扶手向外伸展。