冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第626期:第二十九章 艾德(9)(在线收听

   "A false knight!" Sir Marq said. “这家伙是个虚伪的骑士!”马柯爵士道,

  "Lord Tywin’s mad dog." “他是泰温大人的疯狗。”
  "My lord Hand," Pycelle declared in a stiff voice, “首相大人,”派席尔语气僵硬地说,
  "I urge you to remind this good knight that Lord Tywin Lannister is the father of our own gracious queen." “还请您提醒这位‘正直’的骑士先生,泰温·兰尼斯特大人是我们王后陛下的父亲。”
  "Thank you, Grand Maester Pycelle," Ned said. “谢谢您,派席尔大学士,”奈德道,
  "I fear we might have forgotten that if you had not pointed it out." “您若不提起,只怕我们都忘了。”
  From his vantage point atop the throne, he could see men slipping out the door at the far end of the hall. 从高高的王座上,他看到大厅尽头有人溜出去。
  Hares going to ground, he supposed...or rats off to nibble the queen’s cheese. 兔子就这么跑走了,他心想……不,应该说是贪恋王后奶酪的耗子吧。
  He caught a glimpse of Septa Mordane in the gallery, with his daughter Sansa beside her. 他瞥见茉丹修女带着珊莎站在走廊上,
  Ned felt a flash of anger; 顿时火冒三丈:
  this was no place for a girl. 这不是小女孩该来的地方。
  But the septa could not have known that today’s court would be anything but the usual tedious business of hearing petitions, 但修女事先也不可能料想到今天的会议内容并非繁冗的日常杂务——聆听百姓请愿,
  settling disputes between rival holdfasts, and adjudicating the placement of boundary stones. 调解村镇间纷争,以及判定土地界石划分等等。
  At the council table below, Petyr Baelish lost interest in his quill and leaned forward. 下方的议事桌边,培提尔·贝里席终于玩腻了他的羽毛笔,倾身向前道:
  "Sir Marq, Sir Karyl, Sir Raymun, perhaps I might ask you a question? “马柯爵士,卡列尔爵士,雷蒙爵士——可否容我问个问题?
  These holdfasts were under your protection. 这几个村子都是由你们所管辖与保护,
  Where were you when all this slaughtering and burning was going on?" 请问屠杀发生当时诸位又在何地呢?”
  Sir Karyl Vance answered."I was attending my lord father in the pass below the Golden Tooth, as was Sir Marq. 卡列尔·凡斯爵士回答:“当时我与家父都在金牙城下的山口,马柯爵士也是。