冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第627期:第二十九章 艾德(10)(在线收听

   When the word of these outrages reached Sir Edmure Tully, 当这些暴行传到艾德慕·徒利耳中时,

  he sent word that we should take a small force of men to find what survivors we could and bring them to the king." 他嘱咐我们率领小队人马,前来搜索幸存者,然后带他们觐见国王。”
  Sir Raymun Darry spoke up. "Sir Edmure had summoned me to Riverrun with all my strength. 雷蒙·戴瑞爵士发言道:“艾德慕爵士早已让我率领我的兵力赶到奔流城。
  I was camped across the river from his walls, awaiting his commands, when the word reached me. 我接获消息时,正在城外隔河扎营,等候进一步命令。
  By the time I could return to my own lands, Clegane and his vermin were back across the Red Fork, riding for Lannister's hills." 等我赶回封地,克里冈和他的走狗已经渡过红叉河,回兰尼斯特家的丘陵地去了。”
  Littlefinger stroked the point of his beard thoughtfully. "And if they come again, Sir?" 小指头若有所思地抚弄他的尖胡子。“爵士先生,倘若他们再度来袭呢?”
  If they come again, we'll use their blood to water the fields they burnt, Sir Marq Piper declared hotly. “他们要是有胆再来,我们就用他们的血,浇灌被他们烧掉的田地。”马柯·派柏爵士愤怒地说。
  Sir Edmure has sent men to every village and holdfast within a day's ride of the border,  “艾德慕爵士已派兵驻防距离边境一日骑程内所有村镇与庄园。
  Sir Karyl explained. "The next raider will not have such an easy time of it." ”卡列尔爵士解释,“若还有人来犯,可不会像这次那么好过了。”
  And that may be precisely what Lord Tywin wants, Ned thought to himself, to bleed off strength from Riverrun, goad the boy into scattering his swords. 这很可能正是泰温公爵的目的,奈德心里明白,借此压榨奔流城的力量,诱使那小伙子分散兵力。
  His wife's brother was young, and more gallant than wise. 他小舅子年纪尚轻,英勇有余,睿智却不足。
  He would try to hold every inch of his soil, to defend every man, woman, and child who named him lord, and Tywin Lannister was shrewd enough to know that. 他会竭尽全力守住每一寸土地,保护每一个依附他名下的男女老少。精明老练如泰温·兰尼斯特,自当很清楚这点。
  If your fields and holdfasts are safe from harm, Lord Petyr was saying, "what then do you ask of the throne?" “既然你们的田产和房舍都安全了,”培提尔伯爵道,“那还上朝来做什么?”